Much ado about whims and fancies.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Something Old Seen As Something New

With the weather changing for the better,
we Wares are repainting
some pieces of furniture...
also for the better. 
Forget cherry wood--
we're gonna have ourselves a PURPLE bench!
And that old scraped-up,
unidentifiable wood end table? 
How bout in NAVY BLUE?!

Putting a new twist on old objects
got me thinking about
the glory of using items
in unusual ways.

So here are a few inspirations
for repurposing
something in your house!
You know, for the better ;)

An old chair used as a table!

A vintage suitcase used as a linen/blanket chest!

An old ladder used as a scarf display!
Emily Zoladz, The Grand Rapids Press

Old crates used as bookcases!

A curtain used as a headboard!

Old cans, wine bottles, beer bottles, or glass jars used as flower vases!

A standing tool box used as a jewelry stand!

Or perhaps you could use
an ironing board as a sofa table!
A buffet as a dresser!

And because I find
this use of small space
a repurposed closet as an office!

Off to seeing things in new ways :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring In My Step

With Easter just around the corner,
I've been feeling the full effects of Spring,
so I thought I'd post some images to conjure up
these gloriously fresh and warm feelings
in you, too.
I hope you enjoy :)

I can't wait for this weekend!
I smile to myself, imagining
all the little girls in their frilly and flowery Easter dresses
and all the women in their big Easter hats!

Have a blessed week, friends <3

Thursday, April 14, 2011


For your enjoyment, some ins and outs of me and my Ware man...

Between the hours of 5 and 7PM, there had better be food in my mouth. Or else!

A likes Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal.

I like to mix every cereal in the cupboard.

When I wear something that's not A's favorite, he'll use one of two words to describe how I look: "Interesting" or "Alright."

I am incapable of listening to two things at once. Mute the TV or wait till I'm off the phone if you intend for me to hear what you're saying :-/

During the work week, A will get the coffee machine all ready for brewing so that when I eventually come downstairs, I just have to push a button and voila! Coffee :)

I steal my husband's hair products :-/

A takes a ton of vitamins. IN ONE MOUTHFUL.

I have an online shopping addiction. If and didn't exist, I might never have developed this problem.

Probably because it's an agreed-upon fact that A's a better cook than I am, his ounce of "bossy" comes out in the kitchen.

If I'm sitting anywhere at an angle lesser than 90 degrees, I'm gonna get tired and try to nap.

A plays the trumpet.

I collect jewelry ;)

Even when the counters are crumby and the floor is sticky, A will say, "It's not that bad."

I steal covers.

A really dislikes when people mispronounce his name.

I eat oatmeal every day for breakfast.

A doesn't like pork so much.

I have multiple to-do lists going at one time, all the time.

A carries the laundry basket up and down the multiple flights of stairs from our bedroom to the laundry room. For me :)

I have thermostat discontentment issues (I blame my maternal heritage: Mom, Nanny, CheeChee).

A sporadically leaves shoes around the house--under the couch, under the kitchen table, next to the mini fridge.

He also hangs jackets on every available banister.

The kitchen table is covered in my papers, mail, electronics, purses, bags, you name it.

I don't like band-aids.

A's favorite alcoholic drinks are Irish beer and Irish whiskey.

I prefer red wine.

A's favorite weather is overcast and rainy.

I'm not ticklish.

A likes his toast to be evenly buttered all the way to the edges.

One of my favorite things about being married to A is discovering his idiosyncrasies...and witnessing him discovering mine. Hey, it's been "interesting" and "alright," so I guess we'll keep this good thing going ;)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Our visit to New York City was splendid beyond splendor.
Excellent food, great people watching, ridiculous crowd navigating, awesome Broadway shows (nobody got hurt at "Spiderman" and "Billy Elliott" was GD fantastic!), and I can't forget, the MoMA!

Look at us suburbians navigating the subway!

If you can imagine, the MoMA let my dad take 80+ pictures of the artwork! So for your viewing pleasure, here is a VERY condensed version of what we saw:

Excuse the flash on that one :-/




Seurat! Look at all those little dots!

My main man, Matisse!

And some of my favorites: Kandinsky!

Even more eye candy!


How about some Andy Warhol for ya?


WHOA, RIGHT?! Did your brain just explode?!?!

I really believe that the MoMA expanded my mind. It widened the spaces in my imagination. And for a moment, I caught a glimpse of this world's grandeur and the slightest hint of that something beyond. I walked out their doors feeling like I'd grown taller, like I suddenly existed more fully, like I carried a buoyancy within my skull and could float off the ground at any moment. It was the best.

I hope you enjoyed your mini-visit to the MoMA as much as I did mine.

Buhbye, New York City! Until next time...