Much ado about whims and fancies.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Summer To-Do List

"Another list?" you ask. At this point in our readerly relationship, it shouldn't come as a shock, hehe :)

Summer To-Do List:

1. Go to our neighborhood swimming pool at least ONCE. And maybe even get in ;)

2. Mix-up a new sweet and cold summer cocktail (it may just be the "Skip," Rachel and Kyle!)

Recipe for Skips:
1 can of frozen pink lemonade concentrate.
In place of water, use vodka.
Mix in 2 light beers, a la Bud Light.

3. Eat more peanut butter. LOTS MORE.

4. Paint with watercolors.

5. Keep our potted plant alive.
 6. Eat fruit with every meal.
 7. Go to a Farmer's Market.

8. Pick cherries from the trees in our front yard and make cobbler :)
 9. Wear less make-up.
10. Open doors and windows to let the breeze blow through.
 11. Keep fresh flowers in the house.

12. Listen to classical music while doing chores.
13. Learn some Spanish phrases for summery things:

"¡Qué  hermoso dia!" = "What a beautiful day!"
"Vamos a compartir un día de campo?" = "Shall we share a picnic?"
"Vamos a ver la puesta del sol." = "Let's watch the sun set."

14. Wear a big hat.

15. Cut my hair short and shaggy.

JUST KIDDING on that last one! For now, at least ;)

What are some DOs on your list this Summer???

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"I've got my babies back, babies back, babies back..."

These past couple weeks, A was in Grand Junction and Bishop was in Wray, so I kept company with Broom, Vacuum, and Pledge. Surprisingly, they're alright guys, and cleaning house with them was nice. I discovered that, without my boys around to distract me, I noticed a lot more and took pleasure in my small observations. I thought I'd share a few with you in hopes that they give you pelasure, too :)

1. a clean and shiny kitchen countertop.

2. the giddy-like feeling of putting things in order.

3. decorative tassels. on a doorknob. on a lamp. on a drawer pull. on my neck...
 4. a full wine rack :)

5. freshly vacuumed carpets.

6. smelling burning incense from rooms away.
7. a cabinet full of mismatched coffee mugs. like these badasses...
and this sneaky fella...
and these for good measure...!/photo.php?pid=737206&id=100000029120455&fbid=188948334449469

8. these friggin' bites of heaven...
9. an uncluttered and organized coffee table.

10. clean stacks of laundry...

11. organizing jewelry in unexpected (but pretty!) containers.