Much ado about whims and fancies.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Our visit to New York City was splendid beyond splendor.
Excellent food, great people watching, ridiculous crowd navigating, awesome Broadway shows (nobody got hurt at "Spiderman" and "Billy Elliott" was GD fantastic!), and I can't forget, the MoMA!

Look at us suburbians navigating the subway!

If you can imagine, the MoMA let my dad take 80+ pictures of the artwork! So for your viewing pleasure, here is a VERY condensed version of what we saw:

Excuse the flash on that one :-/




Seurat! Look at all those little dots!

My main man, Matisse!

And some of my favorites: Kandinsky!

Even more eye candy!


How about some Andy Warhol for ya?


WHOA, RIGHT?! Did your brain just explode?!?!

I really believe that the MoMA expanded my mind. It widened the spaces in my imagination. And for a moment, I caught a glimpse of this world's grandeur and the slightest hint of that something beyond. I walked out their doors feeling like I'd grown taller, like I suddenly existed more fully, like I carried a buoyancy within my skull and could float off the ground at any moment. It was the best.

I hope you enjoyed your mini-visit to the MoMA as much as I did mine.

Buhbye, New York City! Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Oooh! So fun! My brain has officially exploded. ;)
