Much ado about whims and fancies.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

"I've got my babies back, babies back, babies back..."

These past couple weeks, A was in Grand Junction and Bishop was in Wray, so I kept company with Broom, Vacuum, and Pledge. Surprisingly, they're alright guys, and cleaning house with them was nice. I discovered that, without my boys around to distract me, I noticed a lot more and took pleasure in my small observations. I thought I'd share a few with you in hopes that they give you pelasure, too :)

1. a clean and shiny kitchen countertop.

2. the giddy-like feeling of putting things in order.

3. decorative tassels. on a doorknob. on a lamp. on a drawer pull. on my neck...
 4. a full wine rack :)

5. freshly vacuumed carpets.

6. smelling burning incense from rooms away.
7. a cabinet full of mismatched coffee mugs. like these badasses...
and this sneaky fella...
and these for good measure...!/photo.php?pid=737206&id=100000029120455&fbid=188948334449469

8. these friggin' bites of heaven...
9. an uncluttered and organized coffee table.

10. clean stacks of laundry...

11. organizing jewelry in unexpected (but pretty!) containers.

1 comment:

  1. Aww I love all the coffee mugs! I'm a sucker for such things. :)
