I read in REAL SIMPLE recently that "53% of 16- to 22-year-olds around the world would rather give up their sense of smell than their favorite personal technological device."
Isn't it common knowledge that one's sense of smell is heavily linked to one's taste for food? Fact: 90% of what we believe to be taste is really due to smell. And I'm not the only person who's recognized that smell is linked to memory, too. Why? Because the part of our brain that deals with smell is also the part that deals with emotion, behavior, and mood*
So, I've gotta say to those 53% of 16- to 22-year-olds...
You're doofuses. For reals.
Here's to the rest of us who aren't absurd enough to give up our sense of SMELL. Please enjoy, my nosey readers:
I certainly told those technologically-obsessed tots what's what, didn't I? ;)
Help put those Crackberries to shame by sharing what smells and/or tastes delight YOUR senses?
info taken from http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/exchange/node/1575
Ohhh... Every one of these "smells" reminded of a different person or time in my life. Amazing! Only doofuses wouldn't enjoy such a sense!