Much ado about whims and fancies.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

So much to be thankful for...

...particularly the following:

* MY HUSBAND was the first to pop into my head, which probably sums up how obsessed I am with him--that dude's always at the forefront of my mind. We recently celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary, which isn't so long I realize, yet I'm still uber-infatuated with the guy...the contrast between his dark hair and light blue eyes, how he sweet talks to me, the way he carries himself, how wicked smart he is yet how goofy he is, too... What is it that The Eagles sang? "I have loved you in a tame way and I have loved you wild." Spot on, Eagles, spot on.

* The color PINK.

* Hair clips. Lordy, is it a pain in the rear-end to grow out bangs...

* Crisp, wintry air. There's gotta be some science behind how it makes one feel alive to the world and brand new, like anything is possible. Hands down the best medicine.

* Friends and family. A and I just celebrated our friends' wedding in Portland, are on the tail end of Christmas festivities, and are kicking off the New Year with family and dear friends. Goooood stuff, no? And there is no shortage of good things happening in 2012, either. Good gosh, I'm dang lucky to love and be loved! It's crazy how good this time of year is at filling you up with gratitude and th-th-th-thrilling happiness. I really believe that good things have a way of multiplying into more good things, so I foresee lots of joy in 2012, too. (Wishing y'all the same!)

* All-Bran cereal. If you're anything like my mother, your mouth is getting pastey just at the thought of it, but hey, I like the stuff! Though I acknowledge I've got an unhealthy relationship with all cereal, lemme tell you why this stuff's more delicious than it sounds or looks, for that matter. It's healthy for you! Not only does it have crap-tons of fiber (literally), but it takes a while to completely chew, which I personally enjoy because it makes me eat slowly. Also, you can savor your bowl of cereal longer!

* My daily planner. Whoa on the Magoo, I know, but there's something so satisfying about seeing each day laid out before me with activities to enjoy and lists to cross off. It's a visual marker for DOING, and I enjoy seeing myself live my life in a way.

* Health. I've been blessed with a hearty body which I take for granted. A simple cold or headache pisses me off I'm usually so healthy. Hell, lack of sleep annoys me! So I thank God and my parents for what they gave me, cause I certainly had nothing to do with it! I'll try to pay them back by putting it to good use :)

* Stories. Good golly, Ms. Molly, a good story is a slice of heaven in my opinion. Whether it's The Polar Express, Shantaram, or this lovely little sermon, stories expand our imaginations, relate life lessons, make us realize something about ourselves, or very simply--entertain us. I can't wait to read (and learn) all kinds of new things next year. Just thinking about a big stack of books puts a smile on my face :) Any recommendations???

* Sister Hazel. If you don't know who or what that is, please go spend an hour of your time on iTunes scoping out the situation. I deeply <3 Sister Hazel and can't fathom where I'd be without gems like "Your Winter" or "Champagne High" or "Bring It On Home" or my all-time favorite "This Kind of Love." Seriously, go make your heart happy and download their best :)

There's so much more I could say about what I'm thankful for, but alas, I'll just carry over my excess gratitude into 2012! I hope y'all have a raging awesome New Year's Eve! Is it just me or do the little gold circles on the sides of this page suddenly look like champagne bubbles?!

Now go ahead and tell me something you're way, way, way, WAY thankful for!

I'll see you fancy faces next year!

Monday, November 14, 2011


empty me of me,
so I can be filled with

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Muh Hairz

Due to popular demand, here are a few pics of my new hairdo :)
Please excuse the poor quality (they were taken with my cell-piece).

Though the loss of length was a bit of a shocker :-/
I'm a strong believer in ch-ch-ch-changes!!!

Hope y'all have a nice rest of the week and an even better weekend <3

Monday, October 17, 2011

Shweet Shtuff

"Here's to happiness..."

10 current happenings that make me H-A-P-P-Y (inspired by this blogpost):

1) When Bishop looks up at me while I'm sweet-talking him and maintains eye contact like he's really listening and understanding.

2) Bath & Body Works' Twisted Peppermint body lotion.

3) Finishing a Harry Potter book and then watching the corresponding movie afterward.

4) Curling up on the couch with A BLANKET! to read or watch TV.

5) Online Christmas shopping.

6) The hug my husband gives me when he just gets home from work.

7) Cinnamon and sugar.

8) Shampooing my newly-cut hair. Where did it go? So short!

9) Having funny jibberish conversations with my husband.

10) Socks and slippers!

BONUS) Having an uber-exciting occasion to look forward to-- 
Lindsay and Timmy's wedding, woot woot!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Glories of Being a Girl

With an uber-girly weekend ahead of me (shout out to Lindsay's bridal shower peeps!), I thought that a blog post dedicated to the wonders of GIRL was in order.

Eat your heart out :)


Not to mention, clothing prints like these!

So glam!

With ruffles and lace and flowers and sparkles!

Red on red!


Golden toes!

All colors, shapes, and sizes!


Over the shoulder.

Fish tail.

Like a ballerina (also girly!)

Messy sexy.

Long yet fluffy.

With bangs.

and lastly...


Get em, Audrey.

Now get on out there, Girls, and

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Most Recent Obsessions :)

2) Blazers


4) Cappuccinos

I'll have me a double, thanks.

5) HUGE gold watch

Nixon knows what's up.

6) My kindle

7) Dining out

8) Running early in the morning
(and catching the sunrise!)

I can't help thinking I'm privy to some secret :)

9) Nude lipstick

10) Amy's frozen Indian entrees


11) York pieces

My work desk's danger zone.

12) Bon Iver

13) Sparkling water

14) Our down comforter

15) Navy nail polish


What are some of YOUR most recent obsessions???

Thursday, September 1, 2011


"The wonderful thing about saints is that they were human.
They lost their tempers, scolded God,
were egotistical or testy or impatient in their turns,
made mistakes and regretted them.
Still they went on doggedly blundering toward heaven."

~Phyllis McGinley, American writer (1915 - 1978)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Say What?!

I read in REAL SIMPLE recently that "53% of 16- to 22-year-olds around the world would rather give up their sense of smell than their favorite personal technological device."


Isn't it common knowledge that one's sense of smell is heavily linked to one's taste for food? Fact: 90% of what we believe to be taste is really due to smell. And I'm not the only person who's recognized that smell is linked to memory, too. Why? Because the part of our brain that deals with smell is also the part that deals with emotion, behavior, and mood*

So, I've gotta say to those 53% of 16- to 22-year-olds...

You're doofuses. For reals.

Here's to the rest of us who aren't absurd enough to give up our sense of SMELL. Please enjoy, my nosey readers:

The musty smell of leaves during Fall.

The airy and sweet smell of fresh flowers.

The salty, sweaty, sunscreeny smell of the beach.

The maple, nutty, buttery smell AND taste of banana bread!

The crisp woodsy smell of the mountains.

The girl-i-fied smell of hair and body products!

The taste and smell of a beautiful glass of wine.

The thick ,spicy, smokey smell of incense.

The warm and sleepy smell of your husband's skin.

One of my favorite smells AND tastes: COFFEE!

The crisp, cold, clean smell of snow.

The bread-and-buttery smell and cheesy taste of grilled cheese!

I certainly told those technologically-obsessed tots what's what, didn't I? ;)

Help put those Crackberries to shame by sharing what smells and/or tastes delight YOUR senses?

* info taken from

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

27 before 27: FAIL

Seeing as my birthday is in less than a month, I've been thinking a lot about my 27 before 27: FAIL. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself? I suppose FAIL is a harsh word when it comes to a self-improvement to-do list, isn't it? Then maybe "eh" is a more appropriate adjective for my efforts, as I only crossed off a few things (three) on my "27 New Things" list, including arranging an employee art show at work, reading and discussing a book with friends, and giving up online shopping for an entire month (I'm officially on month two, if you can imagine).

To be honest, I'm pretty happy with myself for doing ANY of the things on my list. Though three measly things ain't impressive and though the three things weren't exactly extraordinary, they were new to me and I appreciated the experiences. So, despite my calling the project a "FAIL," it was sort of, kind of, maybe a little bit of a success, and I plan on doing it again this year (we'll see how I fair with an ADDITIONAL new thing on my list. HA!).

But, in case you're interested in giving the project a whirl for yourself, I thought it best to lay out a few pointers so that y'all have better luck than I did.

What I learned from my "eh" efforts:

1. Writing things down made me want to do them. A list created this compulsion to cross things off.

2. Making a list helps me remember things IF that list is in plain sight. 27 things are a lot to remember, so refresher glances are a good idea. Looking back, I should probably have hung a copy in my cubicle.

3. Time friggin' flies. Putting things off will eventually result in some things not getting done. In my case, it resulted in 24 things not getting done. A sad but true story.

4. Though this list shouldn't consist of only "easy" things to accomplish, it's good not to get in over your head either. Too many classes and trips cost money AND time, so be realistic. Also, beware of those new things that might involve another person's involvement/participation. As I realized, it was hard enough getting myself to commit, let alone another person.

5. No new experience is too small. Even if an item sounds silly, write it down. You first thought of it because you want to check it off your life's to-do list.

6. Have fun with it. The minute something feels like a chore or, worse yet like work, that's the minute you stop caring. Don't hold yourself too strictly to your list to the point of ONLY doing things on your list, for that would defeat the point of the project--to bask in life's vast possibilities.

That's all, folks! Go see what you think of my new and improved "28 before 28" list :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Summer To-Do List

"Another list?" you ask. At this point in our readerly relationship, it shouldn't come as a shock, hehe :)

Summer To-Do List:

1. Go to our neighborhood swimming pool at least ONCE. And maybe even get in ;)

2. Mix-up a new sweet and cold summer cocktail (it may just be the "Skip," Rachel and Kyle!)

Recipe for Skips:
1 can of frozen pink lemonade concentrate.
In place of water, use vodka.
Mix in 2 light beers, a la Bud Light.

3. Eat more peanut butter. LOTS MORE.

4. Paint with watercolors.

5. Keep our potted plant alive.
 6. Eat fruit with every meal.
 7. Go to a Farmer's Market.

8. Pick cherries from the trees in our front yard and make cobbler :)
 9. Wear less make-up.
10. Open doors and windows to let the breeze blow through.
 11. Keep fresh flowers in the house.

12. Listen to classical music while doing chores.
13. Learn some Spanish phrases for summery things:

"¡Qué  hermoso dia!" = "What a beautiful day!"
"Vamos a compartir un día de campo?" = "Shall we share a picnic?"
"Vamos a ver la puesta del sol." = "Let's watch the sun set."

14. Wear a big hat.

15. Cut my hair short and shaggy.

JUST KIDDING on that last one! For now, at least ;)

What are some DOs on your list this Summer???