Much ado about whims and fancies.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


 kissing cigarettes...

"We are here,
charged with the task of completing
(one might say creating)
The process is jazz.
It requires improvisation,
the daring to strike out on your own
coupled with
a sure grounding in and respect for
the tune on which you are working...
As Robert Frost says,
we must keep the colors of ourselves
unmixed on the palette."

~Afro-American studies scholar WILLIAM COOK

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Depths

I just finished the book Shantaram (which, ugh, just writing the name of the book makes my heart heavy and full with feelings), and came away thinking:
One of the GAJILLION "hand-held" moments I had during the book was how the main character, Lin, has trouble seeing past people's facades--he's surprised to find out his poor friend, Jimmy, is literate and capable of thinking about and discussing grandiose universal truths; he's surprised that a hugely tough and dour bodyguard, Nazeer, can be sensitive, tender, and capable of deep love. Lin's upset at himself for not immeidately seeing past people's exteriors, for not immediately believing them deep or multi-faceted people. It's a sad realization for him, this simply seeing what is in front of him and nothing more, for he sees that he's been superficial and cocky, believing what's on the surface without caring to question his initial perceptions. Lin helped me see that it's all too easy to take people for granted, to see only how they fit into our life's routines and functions. If we just asked more questions, perhaps, and listened more closely, we'd be surprised to find that people are much broader than we give them credit for; they're as captivating as a diamond in full light.

Since before we were married, A and I have been constantly learning how to navigate the adult world together--owning a home, raising a dog, simply waking up, going to work, and fulfilling our daily obligations. And we'll forever be learning how navigate our marriage, too--how to best care for and love each other, how to grow together as one unit. There have always been and will always be little bumps in our road that require "recalculation," as our bratty GPS lady would say. I'm reminded of an argument I had with a high school boyfriend back in the day. We were driving, trying to find our way to some concert, and we got lost. I was so upset that we were gonna be late for the show that I got us even more lost. He was upet at me for overreacting and gave me this whole lecture about not enjoying the moment for what it was, about not appreciating his company or the new sights we'd never have seen if we hadn't gotten lost. Though I'd die to admit it to him even now, he was right ;) There is a lot of information that's revealed in "lost" moments, a lot of surprises, and as all of our teachers taught us, knowledge is power. Though I have been on a slow learning curve, I am finally comprehending the potential power I can harness from those bumps in the road.

 but hopefully there aren't this many bumps :-/

And it seems that Caleb from The Etsy Blog is comprehending something similar, as his "Cultivating Romance" article reads, "Love… is an activity. Moreover, this activity involves skill-building. Thus you can work at cultivating your love for another. You can get better (or worse) at loving someone...Relationships atrophy without proper care...Each new life stage brings with it new challenges to the status quo of a relationship... But keep at it in little, hopefully meaningful ways, understanding that small efforts can make a big difference." Just this morning I was just talking to a coworker about how you can be a good or bad arguer; you can argue your point in a gentle, thoughtful, and helpful way OR you can just yell, pout, and refuse to accept responsibility for your part. Though arguments are extremely frustrating, yes, they're also incredibly intimate. There's so much laid to bare, so arguments should be handled carefully and tenderly. I really believe that once you've committed yourself to someone, it's about the BOTH of you arriving at a satisfying conclusion, not just one of you. And I also believe that relationships are about something bigger than just two people.

 though this pic makes 2 look pretty good ;)

"I believe we're here for a reason--created by somebody to live for somebody to return to somebody," Mike Ditka once said. Which brings me to Life Magazine's compilation of "answers" to the question "What is the meaning of life?", of which Ditka's quote is a part. "Scientists and theologians, authors and artists, celebrities and everyday sages on the street" responded to the question. I'm gonna be a big girl and admit that some of the responses made me cry--some out of inspiration, some out of recognition, some out of humor, and some out of disagreement and despair. If you don't read the rest of this blog post, at least read these folks' philosophies. You can't tell me that after reading these, you don't feel more complex and therefore amazing for just being a human being.

Though I'm not sure if Erin Y. has read the above compilation before, she has certainly pondered how to be the biggest, best, and most beautiful human being she can be, as her post titled "The Kind of Woman I Want to Be" feels to me of the same chord:

"I want to pray more often with a feeling in my heart that overwhelms my soul... not just words. I want to raise a family in a home that will be remembered always as a happy place. I want my children to change the world for the better, if only in a small way, and I want them to be proud of their accomplishments. I want to want less and appreciate more." 

It's strange how everything I've been reading lately seems to be connected. It's as if the world is shouting a message to me about how people are deeper than the ocean so I SHOULD hold my breath for them; about how vital our human connections are and how we must treasure them and keep them safe; about how important it is to be able to see yourself in not just your past or present selves, but also in your dreamt-up, all-improved, magnificent future self. It is so important to dream...

Which brings me (FINALLY!) to my response to the world's message. In exemplary copy-cat form (thanks for the idea, Erin Y!), here's my "I want to be" list:

I want to be brave enough to challenge myself in new ways and to risk failure.
I want to meet and pet every dog in the world.
I want to be a passionate, honest, selfless, and devoted wife.
I want to be best friends with God.
I want to eat more vegetables, particularly sweet potatoes ;)
I want to keep the instrument of by body strong and healthy.
I want to make people smile with my charm and laugh with my wit.
I want to be a thoughtful, fun, loyal, and generous friend.
I want to have a personal relationship with nature and the wild.
I want to read, read, and read till stories spill from my mouth.
I want to be intentional about the things I do and wisened by my experiences.
I want to be an adoring, patient, silly, open-minded, and inspirational mother to my children.
I want to ride an elephant.
I want to be hopeful and positive, forever smiling in the bliss of my blessings.
I want to tell a complicatedly beautiful tale.

If you made it to the end of this post, you're a bloody good reader and dear to my <3. XOXO, y'all.

Monday, January 30, 2012

To Be

In honor of all the dreams we fancy people are putting into action, check out this Cathy Cullis poem to further inspire you: your dreams. I just love thinking about how my dreams are no longer "jar-sized" :)

AND, this is a beautiful somethin-somethin my friend A related to me. I hope it warms your heart like it did mine:

May all beings be PEACEFUL.
May all beings be HAPPY.

May all beings be SAFE.

May all beings AWAKEN

to the light of their TRUE NATURE.

May all beings be FREE.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Thick Grass & Flowers

The Lord's goodness
surrounds us at every moment.
I walk through it
almost with difficulty,
as through thick grass and flowers.
~R.W. Barbour

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"You can feel the rejuvenating effect that
a good meal can bring on.
The way it can make people kinder, funnier, more optimistic,
and remind them it's not a mistake to go on living.
It's better than any medicine."
~The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
A and I aren't necessarily "foodies," but we DO love a good meal. Dining out is our biggest budget-buster and yet we can't seem to reign ourselves in. I think it's because of what Suzanne Collins is getting at: good food is rejuvenating; it makes us feel alive.
Yet it is funny how dining out inspires A and I to try something new in the kitchen. I believe I've written about Denver's fabulous d bar restaurant, but I haven't spilled the beans on their spiked vanilla lemonade situation (those beans being UN. REAL). A has mastered a nearly-perfect knock-off we've dibbed the "Vandalade" with either Simply Lemonade or Newman's Own lemonade, Skyy vodka, a dash of simple syrup and some liquid vanilla extract. Try it, folks, because WHOA to the WOW.

My dream job is to be a food critic, though I think there's probably some prerequisites, like being a chef and owning a super-palate (I am not and have not). All I'm saying is that I'd like eating to be my job and I'd like to do nothing but talk about my wonderful gastronomical experiences. ALL DAY EVERY DAY.

Granted, I recently read this little blurby:

"There are two kinds of food lovers: the elitists and the egalitarians. The first are the people who go on to become food critics and restaurant reviewers. They are the food snobs who know what they like and are unrelenting in their opinions. The egalitarians, on the other hand, are the ones who wax nostalgic about steaming bowls of tripe prepared by their mother in the winter, or the chicken feet they had at dim sum with their grandparents. For them, whether or not they like a food depends much more on the company and memories surrounding the dish than on the taste of the item itself. These are the people who are hopelessly easy to please." (Rebecca A. Cooper

I think I am one of these egalitarian type eater persons.

By the way, breakfast food is my most favorite.
As Donkey in the movie Shrek says, "And in the mornin, I'm makin WAFFLES!"

To make this blogpost even more random,
let's end with a prayer ;)

May you eat many yummy and delightful things.
May you always air on the side of egalitarian instead of elitist.
May you remember what Rebecca said:
May you "wax nostalgic," and
May you be "hopelessly easy to please."

Now go have happy tummies, y'all!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Cubicle. Dun-dun-dunnnnn....

Considering I spend +40 hours in a cubicle every week, I thought this article was interesting. Though it took me nearly a year to get acquainted with my surrounding three walls, I have to say that I've come to appreciate my own space.

I hope you other fancy working people enjoy the article, as well :)

And happy weekend to you!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Too High a Spirit

At the end of last year, I was feeling like a pooper. Sometime during 2011, I'd lost track of my mojo, my girl power, or to borrow a phrase from my father--my "stick-to-it-ive-ness." I realized that I hadn't tried to learn something new or to do something difficult in a long time. "No" had taken the place of "yes" in my vocabulary. I'd lost the ability to surprise myself. And I couldn't remember when or how I got to be so scared of a little challenge! I was disappointed in myself :(

I thought of talking to my girlfriends about it--my wicked smart, tackling the world face-forward, doing new and amazing things girlfriends--when suddenly it hit me! I had been siphoning their adventures, I had simply been living vicariously through their go-get-em lives, I was playing the part of an audience instead of participating. Which got me thinking...Why don't I have my own stories to tell? What's keeping me from having my own adventures?


And just like that, my attitude took a 180. I finally put 2 and 2 together (math has never been my strong suit)--I surround myself with amazing friends because I want to be amazing too! Why can't I be the sort of woman I admire? Why not?!

Something dormant has been kicked into high gear, my friends. I've been feeling energized and capable. I've been dreaming, formulating goals, and even putting some if each into action. To borrow a term from the sports world, this year is gonna be a "rebuilding year" for me. I'm gonna challenge mysef...and SUCCEED!

I'm gonna smile at myself for a change :)

I thank you beautiful people for helping me get to this point, and I wish you all an exciting year like the one I'm gonna have <3

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Let this knowledge settle into your bones...

May today there be peace within.
May you trust that you are exactly
where you are meant to be.
May you not forget
the infinite possibilities that are born
of faith in yourself and others.
May you use the gifts that you have received
and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content with yourself
just the way you are.
Let this knowledge settle into your bones,
and allow your soul
the freedom to sing, dance, praise,
and love.
~St. Theresa

Friday, January 6, 2012

...*** what???

"Happiness sneaks in through a door
you didn't know you left open."
~John Barrymore