Much ado about whims and fancies.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Slug Talk

*image from

Please excuse my intermittent postings :-/ (Blame Tuesday, if you must!)

A's been on break and we've been making the most of our time together :-)

Granted, I'm POOPED! But no worries--"Operation Figure Out the Cause of Erin's Sluggishness" has come to a close. And the search dug up some interesting discoveries, such as: talking a lot, imbibing alcohol, and staying up late make Erin tired. I know--surprising, right? I was shocked, too. Well, as shocked as an exhausted person could be. Which means that my thought process pretty much went something like this, "Tired. Much fun. How keep fun? No more tired." (Apparently my tired thought process is like that of an ape whose first language isn't English). So yeah, that spawned a new operation which is now underway--"Operation Erin Take the Necessary Steps to Become UN-Sluggish." Which basically means I am sleeping more and drinking less (Some could argue that sleep is still in line with sluggishness and to that I respond, you're right. But I don't care. You can't keep me from sleep. It's my bestie (I know my brother's vomiting in his mouth as I'm typing this) and besties stick together (Go grab a trash can if you must, brother)). I'm still talking though. There's only so much a girl can change, you know. Or is willing to change, I should say. And I have plenty to say. Which is great, right? I know you're all getting darn bored out there without my posts keeping your lives interesting.

So, here I am to save you from boredom!

How about I tell you that I hated the first Twilight book? And then! And then! And then! (so all you die-hard Twilight fans out there don't suddenly hate my guts), I'll tell you how I LOVED and AM LOVING the other books of the series.

A bit of background to set up my logic...Apparently Stephenie Meyer's older sister found out that Meyer had written this story about vampires, but had no intention of getting it published. With just a little urging, however, Meyer submitted it to various publishers. Little, Brown picked it up and bada-bing, bada-boom, Meyer got herself a book deal! Not to mention, a book that hit #5 on the New York Times Bestseller List. So, what's to hate, right?

Well, I have a theory as to why I hated the first Twilight book but loved the others. I believe that after the first book hit it big, Little, Brown got Meyer a bigger and better editor. I mean, Twilight reeked of adverbs and over-writing (Writing that you can't exactly lose yourself in, because the writing itself is so distracting). My English teachers would've kicked some serious Twilight a**. Red ink? Meet Meyer's manuscript). But the other books? Complete page-turners. The writing becomes invisible and voila! I'm left with visions of Bella and Edward and Jacob dancing in my head (Well, none of those characters actually dance, per se. They more just walk around and talk in my head. And no, I'm not crazy. Sheesh, don't be so judgmental. Er...) I'm telling you, the difference is night and day. Something changed between the first and second book. And I don't think it was Meyer. In which case, Mrs. Meyer, please GO THANK YOUR EDITOR! HE/SHE IS THE ONE WHO MADE ME BELIEVE IN YOU! Was that harsh? I didn't mean it to be. I just meant to forewarn all you writerly/readerly people out there that Twilight is a rough read, but that the others make up for it (See? I can dish out a little sugar with my salt). Reading the Twilight series has been yet another reason why I've been M.I.A. lately. I'm too busy imagining Jacob as my book-world soulmate. Fer reals :-)

OH! I forgot to tell you guys that I'm allergic to all of Colorado's native grasses and trees, as well as dogs and cats. I've not gone a day without sneezing for MONTHS. As I type this, I'm sniffing, my eyes are watering, and I think there's a rash of some kind on my neck. How dare you, body? Seriously. Or shall I say, how dare YOU, Tuesday? Brat.

Though beautiful, my skin itches just looking at this picture.
*image from

Missed you guys. I promise I'll visit more often. With or without allergic reactions :-)

1 comment:

  1. As of this morning I was so worried you had left us for good. I starred at your blog longingly... wondering if you'd ever write again.

    As of a few minutes ago I said, "YAY! She's back!" And by the way, may I mention that I LOVE your itchy picture! There's nothing like that big Colorado sky! Seriously.

    Twilight? Haven't ready it. Haven't watched it. I probably shouldn't say this, but I don't know if I care to. It was such a "big hit" here that I honestly got annoyed with it long before I even knew what it was about... and I'm still trying to talk myself out of that anti-Twilight funk.

    Finally, your Tuesday rants CRACK. ME. UP. I kinda like Tuesday, except that it's not Friday. Durn.
