Much ado about whims and fancies.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Present (with a side of Heidi Montag)

Because I'm cooped up in a corporate cubicle all day, I appreciate the outdoors more than I used to.

Speaking of which, are there round cubicles? Pentagonal? Offices are so square, are they not? Perhaps if we could experience a new shape...welp, there I go off topic again! Back to the point...

As I was driving home yesterday, stopped at a red light, I watched the sun glinting off a tree's plasticky leaves. The tree was sparkling as if had internal twinkle lights.

I couldn't help thinking, "This moment is perfect."

I just finished reading Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth" for the second time, in which he talks about this attitude: this appreciation for every moment just as it is, just as it should be. For after all, what is is all there is. Nature knows best.

Which reminded me of a recent conversation I had with a coworker. We were talking about Heidi Montag and her distorted body image that made her undergo multiple plastic surgeries.

We talked about appreciating what we'd been given--bodies that are healthy and functioning and beautiful for just that reason. My coworker told me that her mom used to say God put disabled people on earth to make us appreciate not only our own blessings, but also the variety of life. Every life is beautiful and perfect just as it is. In other words, Heidi missed the point? A little bit. Then again, everything is as it's meant to be...

Summer is upon us, and somehow, it's making it easier for me to appreciate "the now." Breathe in the sweet and soury smell of the snowball bush? Watch the yellow butterflies langorously shift their wings? Feel the sun soak into my skin and hair? YES PLEASE, YES PLEASE, YES PLEASE!

What summery moments have captured your attention?

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your idea for a round cubicle. Maybe you should patent that idea??

    My favorite summery moment so far was when I wore my newest summer dress for the first time. It's a floor-length, beach-type dress, so a light, warm breeze made is sway one afternoon and it felt amazing. I felt like a million dollars standing in the summer breeze in my long, cool, cotton dress. :) It was perfect.
