Much ado about whims and fancies.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Seasons of Poetry

Because I'm utterly surprised that it's November already, a poetical recap of the year is in order...I hope you enjoy :)


This is Just to Say

I just put away
your folded clothes,
warm from the dryer,
on the shelves in our closet.

Stacks of t-shirts,
and shorts.

I have to say,
I like touching
the fabrics
that hold your skin.


The radio comes on.
I roll over,
seeking your body in the covers. My tired eyes
struggle to make out your sleeping face in the dark—
cheek, jaw, lips slightly parted. I press
my mouth to your warm skin to reaffirm what’s real—
you, me, and the morning.


Afternoon on the Porch

Sitting outside,
I smell your skin—
warm and salty.
Like the earth.
Like sunlight.

The days are growing longer,
plants are greening,
and the ground has thawed.
It feels like rain all the time,
but it hasn’t yet.

We watch a robin in the front yard
—its red belly darker
than the wine in our glasses—
stick its beak into the soft dirt
and come up with a seed.

People say it’s Summer,
and I find myself believing.

Rest Stop

The foothills are bigger than where I am now,
where the grass grows taller than land—
the plains.
The horizon’s mirage-y edge
fills my heart with heat,
my limbs with distance.

I will not stay.


Erin Lee

It reminds me of a memory
the Irish landscape
—meadow, cliff, fog, and shoreline—
the curved edge of an island

The cold waters kiss my coasts,
break me down and round me out
My name a circle of land—

There’s Always Something…

In the night, I woke to
moonlight coming
through the window-shade and
whispering voices downstairs—
only they were echoes from my dream.

Like fog slithering between
hay bales, an unused hanger,
a black silhouette in
a lit doorway—
there are visibles that don’t fill space,
but rather hollow out stomachs
and empty lungs of air.

Like when a person dies—
alive one day, then not.
Yet there’s still
her toothbrush,
her lip-prints
on a nightstand water glass.

Like how there’s always dust
on a windowsill,
a flicker in a candle’s flame,
or a star
just out of reach—
there’s always something
I can’t quite put my finger on.



What will you remember from that day in December
when the snow didn’t come?
Will you remember how it felt—
the lace of my dress between your fingers?
Your cold hands on my neck?
Will you remember the winter sun coming through the unblinded windows?
And how it made our skins look like porcelain?

Or will you just remember that morning?
My eyes golden in the church’s stained glass—
and how they sparkled when I said “I do”?


She left a glass on the counter,
lipsticked and empty.

The light from the kitchen window
shines through it,
lighting it up like a star.
But all he can see are her lip prints--
a kiss goodbye.

*Photo Credits:
1st and 4th photos: Tyson Beckford
2nd and 3rd photos: Asa Ware

Polka Dots On My Heart

Once again, pray excuse my long absence!
I'm getting to be a Sorry Sally, aren't I? 
I tell ya, life's got me in a tizzy lately...

A and I just got back from our friend's wedding in Ohio...

Isn't she a dream?!

The wedding was so wonderfully personal.
So many details that spoke to the couple's taste and personality,
like polka dot bridesmaid dresses...

...button flowers...

...CD mixes and pinwheels
and a live band that played golden oldies!

To borrow a cliche, it was a wedding to remember :)

Thing is, I tend to fall in love with the differences in people.
I believe that it's the variety of one's friends
that makes our lives exciting.
Take for example our friends the Hetts...

Between a multi-hour car ride, a shared hotel room,
and the wedding events themselves,
we spent a lot of time with them this weekend.
And it was FUN!
Counting the Bob Evans diners,
saying "frickin" every other word,
looking like 80 year-old-women in pashminas,
making late night beer/chip runs
 and/or Taco Bell excursions...
these are the memories they left us with ;)

And right there is the crux of it all--
everyone leaves us with different memories,
personalized memories,
and though we oftentimes 
take our friends and loved ones for granted,
events like this weekend's remind us, me, not to.
This weekend I spent time with such good people,
that it was impossible for me
not to fall in love with them all over again.
All weekend I thanked my lucky stars for
these funny, happy, loving, DEAR people, 
and vowed, from here on out,
to spend every moment I could with them.
Because they are my good examples.
They make make me wanna be better.


P.S. A parting image for y'all...
driving home from work,
a long yellow leaf caught on my car's antenna.
I was proudly flying Fall's flag :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Red, Yellow, and Wine

From the tops of trees, red is dripping down, down, down to the trunks...

I'm in a bit of an existential state-of-mind today (wow, what a mouthful). I don't know whether to blame it on the change of seasons--what with everything I see changing before my eyes--or whether something's happening inside of me. Either way, I've been feeling very small lately...

Fall has always been my favorite season (a redundant statement, I'm sure ;) ) and yet I feel like I'm not ready for it this year. It's like it came out of nowhere. All of a sudden trees are yellow, and I'm stuck looking out the window wondering how the heck I got here...

All year long, I've been waiting for Fall, and now that it's actually here, I'm confused. I suppose it's because I've been so busy looking FORWARD to the leaves turning, to Fall festivals and sweaters, to A being done with his board exam, to wandering through corn mazes, etc, etc, etc, that I haven't been paying attention to the fact that Fall is HERE! NOW! I've been inside my head too much--hoping, dreaming, imagining--that I missed the beginnings of "the turn." And leaves are falling, people!

It's official: the world goes on whether we pay any attention to it or not. Leaves will still burst into red and yellow flames whether or not we see or feel their heat...

Right here and now, I'm determined to play catch up, to pay better attention, to turn my eyes outward and soak in my surroundings. This is, afterall, my favorite season, so how dare I miss out on it! It's time to walk through a corn maze with a hot chocolate in hand... pick up leaves and trace them under paper...

It's time I take this small body of mine and get it moving! Live in the moment and all that (while eating candy corn, of course!). Join me?!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

This Is Gonna Be Good

Not gonna lie, October has some good things in store for me...

One, it brings my favorite kind of weather--Chilly mornings. That dewy smell. FOG. That bright, stark sunlight in a pale blue sky.


It's also the month that my husband A is gonna rock his medical board exam. FINALLY! You go, boy!

AND, my dear high school friend is getting marriedddddd (said like the little girl in Father of the Bride). I'm gonna be upfront and admit that I'm a huge sap when it comes to weddings. I. LOVE. THEM. I love how everyone's in a joyful mood. I love how everyone looks! (Eye candy!) I love the music, the readings, the hugs, the kisses, the tears of happiness! And I appreciate how weddings remind me of all the love and happiness in my own life, too...

...speaking of's about time I thank Mr. Higher Up, don't you think? Give him a nod for all the blessings to come :)

What does October have in store for YOU?

P.S. My best friend recently offered me some fabulous music advice. My blog's new background music? It's called "Free" by the Zac Brown Band. Liked it from the get-go but love it more every time I listen to it. Do yourself a favor--buy it, and then set it to replay. And THEN tell me some more good songs to buy. PLEASE.

P.P.S. It'll be Halloween in a few weeks. You all dressing up? Any non-slutty suggestions on what a redhead could be? I've been toying with the idea of dressing up like that crackhead Lindsay Lohan...

...the 12 year old version of her, of course! Questions? Thoughts? Concerns? I'm sure there are many, haha! The real question is, what are YOU being for Halloween?