Much ado about whims and fancies.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Forth From the Fourth

2011 just started and the Wares are already off and running!

The new year brought  many lifestyle changes--A began a new rotation, which means Bishop now stays at home all day and gets a mid-afternoon walk from a dog-handler; and I just started exercising every day, as I'm making a mad-dash to get in shape before a marathon relay in a few weeks. Good God, eh? I've gotta make a point to remember my 2011 Wish List--"Wear a permanent smile...Play more...Pause and breathe..."

...which won't be so hard if I stick with reading a daily quote/meditation. Take today's for example:

"In order that your suffering may be remedied,
you should not rely on the adjustment of your surroundings
or on your position in life,
but depend upon the remedy that deals only with
the adjustment of the Sun within...
Suffering may be removed only by
bringing light into your room,
by having light,
by having knowledge in the closet of your heart."
--Swami Rama Tirtha

Isn't that just beautiful? I love the part about "the Sun within" and about bringing light into one's room, the closet of one's heart. Talk about words that make you feel glowy! I've really enjoyed carrying an uplifting snippet with me throughout the day :) Do you guys have any quotes/mantras to share?

Speaking of glowy things, I have so many pretty, but unused journals. I probably have a dozen, no joke. One I attempted to write in daily, but eventually quit (like always). A couple of them I turned into favorite quotes/doodling journals, but alas, they turned into stop-and-go projects, as well. But I think I may have found a purpose for a journal that might actually stick! A gratitude journal, in which I write one thing I'm grateful for every day. What do you think? Lovely in theory, right? I'll let you know how it translates into practice ;) Yet another wish for 2011 and we're a only four days in! Can you say overzealous???

Pray tell me, how is the new year treating YOU?


  1. LOL I have at least half a dozen journals too. Some are filled with things of the past from when I was a teen. Some are only half full (never have empty lol.) And at least one is completely empty. And still every time I go to a bookstore I'm tempted to buy a new journal -- I really have no idea why.

  2. I have a dozen journals, all filled. But I haven't kept one in ten years.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I love the quote!
