Much ado about whims and fancies.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Eating My Way Through the Week Like the Hungry Caterpillar...

This is what I saw, walking into work today...

I know it's Terrible Tuesday, but I never got around to yesterday's Monday Mash-up. So, if you don't mind,  I'm gonna take a quick second and rewind to yesterday, when Tuesday wasn't even a thought in my pretty little head...

This past weekend was chock-full of food fancies--a regular chock-food-full fancy, a fanci-chock-full-food. I ate sushi at Cherry Creek's Kona Grill, fried burritos at Denver's Las Margaritas, and oatmeal pancakes (with honey!) at my very own house! (*recipe below) With NO stomach ache to speak of! Woot woot! That's gotta be some kind of miracle. A first, at the very least. To eat and not be ill afterward? To not reap the repercussions of strange dietary ingestions? Clearly, this weekend awed me to my core (which is my stomach, obviously). Paunch, pooch, muffin-top, it don't matter what you call it--it's a friend of food.

On a related note, until last night, our kitchen was entirely food-less (Though, as you can tell, A and I didn't starve last weekend). Now our kitchen is STOCKED! Isn't that a good feeling? Like how a full tank of gas makes you feel. It's like, with this much food, we could do anything, go anywhere! But we don't HAVE to do anything or go anywhere, you know? We can sit on the couch, eating breakfast burritos while watching The Office if we want to (which we did).

And this morning? I haven't been this excited to pack my lunch for work in a loooooong time. Banana? Frozen entree? Nuts? Granola bar? I brought it all, people.

Despite Tuesday's best efforts, I'm pretty excited about today :)

Oo! Oo! I've got a Blog Carnival update! Another round is scheduled for this Friday, April 30th. The theme is "The Webs We Weave," an experiment in mind-mapping. Our jumping-off point is peanut butter, which EVERYONE loves (except you peanut-allergics), so don't miss out! Should be mighty interesting, as is everything else with a bunch of Erins ;)

And lastly, for shits and giggles, here's a pic of A and I on our wedding day, courtesy of my Uncle Mike...

* Oatmeal Pancakes Recipe

I love the recipe from the Joy of Cooking, but I don't remember it off the top of my head. So here's the closest thing to it that I could find online...

1 and 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal
1 cup milk/buttermilk
2 eggs
1/4 cup butter, melted
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons white sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
Combine all wet ingredients and then stir in dry ingredients. Mixture will be lumpy, but do not fear! Deliciousness is here!


  1. Beautiful pic! I loved the Hungry Little Caterpillar too. It is a beautiful feeling to have the pantry stocked with yummies. Good for you!

  2. That reminds me -- I need to go grocery shopping. *ugh* But yay for "fat Tuesdays!" LOL And YAY for blog carnivals! :)

  3. Yay for Blog Carnivals! And that dress is beautiful, Erin! I'm also hungry now...but I'm not allowed to buy any more groceries since I'm going out of town next week. Ha ha ha. I guess my pantry mishmash will have to suffice.
