Much ado about whims and fancies.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wedding WHOAS, not WOES.

Less than two weeks till the wedding,
and good God, I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off.
I know my name is Erin, but I ain't down with errands.
"Pick up this, meet with so-and-so, sign off on this, be here at such-and-such time..."
Where are all my bridesmaids when I need em?
"You know what though?" (<--for you, B)
As pooped as I am, I know what these to-do lists mean--
A and I are getting married NEXT WEEK! (Insert loud, obnoxious, girly screaming).
And for that,
for something like THAT
(you know, saying "I love you!" and "I'm totally obsessed with you!"
and "I can't live without you, so hows abouts we stay together forever?"
to the person you love, are obsessed with, and can't live without
 in front of EVERYONE)
well, for THAT
I wouldn't begrudge a SECOND of my running around.
Exhausted, spent, wiped, no matter...
I'll be trotting down that aisle la-dee-da-ing,
bright-eyed and goonishly smiling.
See you all there :)

The next time we meet, say hello to Mrs. Ware. She's a real dish.

*Image from our wedding photographer's sample album.
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