Much ado about whims and fancies.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


True story--September 29th is National Coffee Day.
CLEARLY, it's a drink worth celebrating.

 In honor of my favorite caffeine-ridden beverage,
a poem
(Written in approximately 2.2 minutes, so you know...don't judge):

Coffee, you can be oh-so-sweet.
Yet you aren't afraid to be bold or bitter! Neat!

You ALWAYS hit the spot, it's true.
With your varying rich flavors, and that hit of caffeine, too!

I drink you every damn day, because I can't help it.
You're addictingly homey and toasty and tasty--THE SHIZNIT!

So I'll celebrate today with many thermoses and mugs,
because we're long-time friends, you and me--coffee thugs!

Dare I suggest you use this poem as a toast over your next cup of java? YEAH!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Three Dozen Eggs


We get dairy products delivered to our doorstep every Wednesday--our usual a gallon of 1% and a dozen eggs. However, if we leave a note for the milkman requesting something different, we can get that instead--say a block of cheese or some yogurt, if you will.

Well, for the past three weeks, A and I have forgotten to leave a note, meaning that we've got two and a half gallons of milk and three dozen eggs in our fridge. May I ask WTF one does with 36 eggs?! I mean, I can pretend I'm Gaston all day long...

...but I ain't eatin' no eggs raw. And I love cereal just as much as the next person, but two and a half gallons of milk?! Needless to say, we're in trouble.

I'm imagining this week's meal menu...


Lunch (with beverage):


Dinner (with beverage):


Don't get me wrong, all of the above look delicious. BUT they also look like they'd cause a MASSIVE stomach ache. So maybe we do what A suggested and pretend it's Easter by hiding them all. Granted, I'm not a fan of "egg smell," so we'd better not.

What I'm getting at is that you all should do us a favor by suggesting how A and I might either consume and/or get rid of said dairy excess. Judging from the expiration dates, we've got a couple weeks, but you know...we wouldn't wanna risk it. So ASAP, por favor.


And happy hump day to you guys! I say you take that bad self of yours out for a walk today. You know, notice the turning leaves and the crisp air and whatnot. Maybe with a glass of milk in hand, say from our TWO AND HALF GALLON SUPPLY?!

I'll take my bad self out, too. Maybe make an egg creation for all to see...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Milk and Fall

Not too shabby of a title for a poem or book or, hell, BLOG POST, mm?!

I've had a rough week :-/

So shall we talk about chocolate milk???

It tastes exactly like a melted milkshake, does it not? But it's GOOD for you! All that calcium and vitamin D! And after working out, it supplies all the necessary carbs and protein required for recovery! Talk about a healthy treat (that was an oxymoron).

I intend to drink plenty of it after the 10K I run/jog/walk/crawl this coming Saturday--a run I'm kind of unprepared for, to say the least. I dunno what my issue is these days, but it's something closely related to NO MOTIVATION, that's for sure. I'm hoping that, at the very least, we run by some trees turning color...

I love me some Fall. Ain't nothing like that dewy smell and a bright red tree to get me revved!

But just in case, will you all say a little prayer for me? Haha, thanks.

Until we meet again, dearhearts <3

Sunday, September 12, 2010

BLOG CARNIVAL! (Finally, huh?)

"If my heart was a compass, you'd be North..."
--Owl City

(Again, if you could find it in your heart to forgive me for this delayed Blog Carnival entry :-/ )

First! A preface! (That was redundant).

When doing some thinking about this vision board Blog Carnival, I was feeling less than inspired. Perhaps because my present is bursting-at-the-seams busy, I couldn't seem to think a single thought about my future. But rather than suck it up and face the fight, I decided to take this Blog Carnival a different, though related, direction...

I stole an idea from the blog in His Grace! (I bet you're all beginning to wonder if I can come up with a creative post on my own (HINT: on rare occasions!)). No matter! Despite it being borrowed, I hope you enjoy my "vision."


Recently I've been a little stir-crazy and antsy to change things up. One way I've satisfied my busy-body-ness is rearranging and sprucifying our house.

But besides a fresh new look, I got something else from all the moving and shifting...

While making various superficial changes around our house--moving a chair, getting new bedding, repainting walls, hanging shelves, switching the pictures in frames, etc, etc--I found myself on the verge of some grand realization. As I fiddle-farted with each project, I waited for the tiny thought bubbles to rise, rise, rise to the surface and then BURST!


Piddling around the house, it came to me...Our house is BEAUTIFUL.

Not because of its appearance or exterior or anything like that (though I do think it's beautiful in that sense, too), but because we live beautiful lives that are so rich and full that we can't help but spill that happiness onto our surroundings. We exude what we feel onto the world outside our bodies. We see what we think. All our blessings and love and all those other, ever-present though intangible wonders shine through in our space, making our home a physical manifestation of the beauty of our lives. And THAT--this making real of the unseen inner--is what I want from every day of my life.
Therefore, I thought that nothing could portray my hopes for my future better than our home. SO! Without further adieu, what I hope Future Me has the pleasure to see and be...


Do you all see the fullness of your lives reflected in your home, too???

P.S. A snippet from one of my favorite blogs, Ithaka, regarding the current change of seasons:

"Summer is drawing to an end. It's been cool and rainy. On some trees, the leaves are beginning to change and the air is taking on that smell which says Autumn is just around the corner. I love this time of year, partly because it's pretty, and partly because of the memories of Fall when I was a kid. Nobody likes to go back to school, but for me there was always anticipation. Something new was about to start, and I could feel the possibilities spread out before me just waiting to be explored. Autumn always smells to me of potential and nostalgia."

P.P.S. My birthday was yesterday, which is pretty good timing, if you don't mind my saying so, for this post marks 100 for Farin on the West Winds of Erin! As for me, I've officially lived 26 magnificent years :) May all the leaves changing color burn brightly in celebration!

Now go check out the other Blog Carnival participants' "visions!"

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sorry bout that :-/

So, I'm sure you all noticed the delay with this here Blog Carnival (And the lack of my blogging, in general). Sorry bout that :-/ Life, huh? Gets in the way of itself.

But no fear, beloved readers, I'll have a Carnival gem for you THIS WEEK!

P.S. How are y'all taking this change of seasons? Byebye, Summer, eh? Time to love me some sweaters :)

P.P.S. My 26th birthday is this Saturday (creeping ever so closely to that big 3-0). Help me come up with 27 new things to do this next year of my life? I've already got a couple...

1) Take a wine-tasting / sommelier class.
2) Lead a classroom in a creative writing exercise.
3) Arrange an employee art show @ my corporate office.
4) Host a wine-tasting / gourmet dinner party.
5) Your idea...
6) Your idea...
7) Your idea...
8) You get the idea...

Talk at ya soon! Tomorrow's FRIDAYYYYYYYYY!