Much ado about whims and fancies.

Monday, December 27, 2010

PART 1: New Year, as in New You

It's that time again. It's time to dream.

As with all new years, I'm suddenly filled with loads of hopes and wishes. It's the darndest combination of something ending with the beginning of something new that gets me to dream, but hey, I'll take it!


Last year, my hopes for 2010 included:

Getting outside of myself in order to feel like a part of everything else.
Exhibiting a sparkling personality.
Gaining a meditative attitude towards chores.
Dressing fancifully.
Performing random kindnesses.
Spending time outdoors and paying attention to the changing seasons.
Growing long hair.
Finding the good in every person.
Writing more
And organizing my living space.

How did my hopes pan out?

I didn't volunteer once, which is sacrilegious, though I did organize an employee art show at my work place to feel more connected to my coworkers. Nothing like a little art to create a sense of community.

There were many times I exhibited a, need I say, lackluster personality, though, on a brighter note, I feel like I've learned from those unshiny moments :-/

Keeping house while working full time and training a Great Dane puppy was "muy dificil" to say the least, though I'm flabbergasted I kind of enjoyed the manual labor. For the past couple months that A's been off school, he's taken over the house-chores, and again, I'm flabbergasted to say that I miss getting my hands dirty. There's something about working for a clean house that is so satisfying...

Dressing fancifully, eh? Again, with a full-time job and the new addition of a Great Dane puppy, my "personal care" went down, down, down...But hey, I showered! Though I so enjoy looking primped and perfect, I've really come to appreciate a "laid-back style," as well. Wet hair and no mascara to work?!?! Sure! As long as it's just once a week and paired with some pretty earrings ;)

I didn't perform as many random kindnesses as I would have liked. It seems I used my free time for other things--namely, playing with Bishop and dating my husband...activities which, I'd like to believe, left me a kinder person at least.

I spent most of the summer outdoors, either running or walking Bishop, and am pleased to say that I remember many "season-changing" moments from this past year--Spring's frosty dew melting and softening the grass; Summer's weeds' soury smell; Fall, with the leaves changing color from the inside out, on fire within; and Winter's first freeze chilling my lungs and making it hard to breathe...

Which brings us to...ah yes, growing long hair. Ain't that a forever kind of story. I guess I semi-succeeded in that I haven't "cut" my hair all year. Granted, I don't have Alanis Morisette hair either. And so it goes...

I hate to tell the truth about my "finding the good in other people," but alas I shall. 2010 was kind of stressful for A and I, and while that's no excuse, it did affect my "loving nature." My preoccupied mind had a rough time opening up and seeing it all sometimes. However, I can say this with conviction, I came to deeply appreciate the good I already knew was in people, for instance in my family and friends. I got to be pretty obsessed with my loved ones, thanking God for them whenever I could, and trying my best to stay present in their presence.

Now, writing I've done. Thanks to this here blog, my new freelance writing business partner, the AppleHouse Poetry Workshop, and my long-distance friends' willingness to e-mail, I left quite the 2010 paper trail! And thanks to my kindle, I read more, too! Woohoo for language!

Last but not least, my hope to keep an organized house. Though our shelves aren't always dust-free or our floors spic-and-span, A and I have come to take pride in our home. We do our best to care for the space--fixing the broken, sprucing the fixed, and of course, filling it with love. It's exactly where we wanna be...


As you can see, my 2010 hopes had various results--disappointment, flying-colored success, and, as always, surprise. I couldn't have asked for more :)

Which is why I'm "wishing and hoping and thinking and praying, planning and dreaming" all over again!
As you should, too! Let's set the stage for some more bursting-with-life happenings, what do you say?!

Stay tuned for my 2011 Wish List!
And I'll stay tuned for yours!

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