Much ado about whims and fancies.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tis the Season (for a long-winded blog post!)

Gosh, folks, it's frickin' December!

While I can't believe we're in the last month of 2010, I'm already in a New Year's frame-of-mind. I woke up today feeling like a feather on the winds of change...

I want to, no need to, start writing again. Not only are there too many lengthy lapses here in my blog, but I think my brain's losing its luster for lack of practice. Operation Erin Wants Her Shiny Brain Back is now underway...

A and I are on a "health kick" these days. We're trying to eat better, exercise, and lose weight (Bold, considering it's the holidays!). So he bought us a new video game (Seems anti-productive, I know). It's called EA Sports Active 2 for PS3. Pretty cool gig, if you ask me. You wear these arm and leg straps that have motion sensors in them (So it's a hands-free type deal. No wand) as well as a heart rate monitor so that you can see how hard your body's working and how many calories you're burning! Last night we did some trail running, a few push-ups, some boxing, a few soccer drills, mountain-boarding, and skipping! I'm telling you, this game's got variety galore! I'm actually excited to try it again tonight (If that ain't saying hell's frozen over!). I've just gotta get in the habit of moving and staying motivated until this coming January. See, six months ago, my mid-summer self told me, "I can totally run 6.5 miles come January!" So yeah, that. I'm officially hard-at-work making that a reality :-/

Speaking of "healthy habits"--I recently read some trainer or other's quote about how to avoid snacking...

...She said something like, "When you feel a little hungry and want a snack, try going without one. Despite your brain telling you that you're hungry and despite a little growling in your stomach, skipping a snack won't kill you. Literally, you won't die." Gosh, if that didn't change my mind about things! I am one of those people who stashes snacks in my purse, car console, desk drawer...and pocket, if you must know! Because God forbid I not eat every hour on the hour! Now, I'm not suddenly promoting starving, so don't go misinterpreting. I'm simply promoting the option to not eat something every hour. What a revelation, I tell you! I'll let you know if my body takes a hint ;)

Also, I'm a bit late on the uptake, but I just started reading Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love.

Have you guys read this book? Only a few chapters in, I'm noticing a subtle shift in my thinking. The author presents her life's desire--to live an earthly life so deeply and richly while at the same time being a dear and devoted friend of God's; to be fully present in this physical world while simultaneously being present within the Supreme Being. Gosh, if she didn't put my hope into words! No more feeling guilty about enjoying myself, for it's easiest to experience God in those moments. Those moments are His gifts to us. And I can vouch for seeing God more recently, as it's the holiday season and (most) everyone is at their joyful-est. I've been seeing Him in my coworkers' smiling faces, my husband's calm and contented presence, my mom's embodiment of the Christmas spirit. So, thank you Elizabeth Gilbert for reminding me of what I already know--how experiencing the physical world can sometimes catapult you into experiencing God...

...AND it's been eye-opening to read about humanity's time-consciousness--how we bewail the end of a day because there's just never enough time and forever asking ourselves how we might pause this unstoppable progression forward. And boy if I haven't been feeling incredibly rushed lately with 2011 just a couple weeks away! For the arrival of 2011 means A's back in med school! It means he's a busy-body and I'm a busy-body, too! But I haven't lived it up enough in 2010! I haven't done THIS year its due justice! It means this year is OVER! If that doesn't make me want to dig my heels in and yell, "STOP!"

But like Elizabeth Gilbert writes, "At some point you have to stop because [time] won't." Despite days whizzing by, despite our schedules filling up and overflowing, we've gotta make a point to stop chasing life. Instead, we've gotta just let time come. And we've gotta sit in it. And then we've gotta let it pass.

Whenever we're feeling rushed or feeling like time's running out, we've gotta just sit back, take a deep breath, nod at the ticking clock, and instead of looking ahead, look around ourselves...and then smile in the bubble of that moment. That's how I'm gonna spend these last few weeks of December...

Speaking of which, do y'all have Advent calendars? A and I've got one that has pockets for each day, which put the thought in our heads to give little gifts/notes/candies to each other every day until Christmas. Lemme just say that I recommend this idea whole-heartedly, as the experience of thinking of/writing to my husband every day has been a precious treasure. Making a point to do something loving every day has been a wonderfully fulfilling practice :)

I'll leave with you something A said to me in response to my above thoughts/feelings...

"This is the best time of year because it helps us remember our blessings."

So off I go, my dear readers, counting YOU as one of my MANY blessings.

Happy Holidays to you :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are back for a long-winded post. :) Sounds like you and A are doing a lot together these days. That's wonderful! My Hub and I are still trying to figure out just how to spend enough time together and still do everything else we do. It's hard, but we're surviving. And I've been walking/jogging with my sis more these days. That's also hard and I lose motivation a lot, but having a partner is incredibly helpful. Your PS3 game sounds AWESOME! We have a PS2, so I may see what's available.

    Anyway, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, Miss Erin.
