Much ado about whims and fancies.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I've been in such a funk lately. Winter is really starting to get to me. Working from 8 till 5, the only hours during which there's sunlight, means I leave home in the dark and leave work in the dark. And because I work in a cubicle, there's not even a window to sneak a peek at the day. Rough life, huh?

No, no, not really. And that's actually the point I want to focus on.

For me, it's so easy to get caught up in the patterns and routines of life--the repetition. For example, though I appreciate my job and enjoy it for the most part, 8 hours in front of a computer without ever seeing the light of day doesn't make me the HAPPIEST person exactly. Yet that's not my job's fault, it's mine. It's easy to sit and dwell on things, waiting for them to get better, but who knows how long that'd take?! I keep forgetting that I have the power to change things for myself. I can mix it up, stir the pot, go a different direction, or pull a switch-a-roo on my days whenever I want to. I just have to take action and do it. And by taking responsibility for my own well-being, happiness is suddenly right around the corner!

The thing is, I'm not exactly sure where to begin. I'm guessing exercise would help, as any kind of movement could no doubt kick my sitting-blues' arse. But it's hard to get moving this time of year, isn't it? It is for me, at least. I drag myself out of bed, drag myself to work, drag myself through the day, and then drag myself home. Where in there is an ounce of energy? Or motivation? I tell you what, the fights we fight with ourselves are the hardest ones out there. I'm hoping my visions of toned arms and a taut tooshie will get me moving.

A has picked up on my winter lethargy, and so, just this morning, he suggested we make ourselves dinner tonight--spend some time together in the kitchen cooking, sipping on wine, talking about our days, and then sitting down to quietly eat some fabulous food. I think he's on to something here! Suddenly my day's gotten brighter (now if only that meeting with my bosses would get cancelled!).

But after work is not the only time I have to look forward to, or the only time I can turn my day around. I've got the morning and my 30 minute drive to work. I've got the actual work day--8 HOURS!--during which I could spruce things up. So that's where my head's at right now...coming up with ways to make all of my awake hours happy ones. Perhaps packing a yummy lunch. Or rearranging my cubicle. Or reading something uplifting during breaks.

I just realized I've already got a couple of happy things going for me at work--blogging and e-mailing friends. Perhaps my next step is handmaking cards and snail-mailing them to my friends. Or creating more interactive blog entries for them to partake in.

Perhaps I should start said interactive blog entry today even. Here goes:
Post a comment answering the question What do you do to make your days brighter and happier?

*image from


  1. oh oh! Isn't Colorado one of the sunniest states? So, go take a walk in the warm sun on your lunch breaks! Even if is cold the sun will warm your soul right up. Drag along a co-worker, or even a family member ;). Enjoy. Call me on your walk to thank me.

  2. I take a walk, or laugh at the ridiculousness of this all. Seriously, sometimes I make fun of people for my own amusement. It's gets us all laughing here.

  3. although an external way to cheer myself i make or treat myself to a delicious latte. i give my husband a random smooch in the morning, a wet sloppy one just to see his reaction (it is normally a wierd look). i go to the inlaws for some free dinner and great conversation. i create (be it sewing or crafting a card). i make my dog do the silliest of tricks. i enjoy a nice glass of wine whilst i write an email or stalk on facebook. i call a family member or friend to catch up. i watch one of my favorite recorded tv shows. i workout. i read a friend's blog to vicariously live her life and her passion and her creativity.
