Much ado about whims and fancies.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Last night, A's mom told me that, sometimes, when your body's starting to get sick, it shows its sickness through unhappiness or "a funk." Trick is, you can get rid of the sickness anytime you want to, as long as you acknowledge its unbelonging and agree to kick it out of your body. You have to have that moment of "I don't want you, now leave" in order for the sickness to actually leave. Otherwise, it sticks around and becomes a real physical ailment.

Well, I had my moment yesterday.

Leaving work, walking to my car, I could barely see where I was going because I was BLINDED BY THE SUN! Aaahh! I practically fell over with excitement! The sun was out! At 5PM! This means I'll be seeing the daylight after work again! And right when I'd nearly forgotten what its warmth on my cheek feels like! Right then and there, I told myself I was gonna kick this funk out of my body. No more moping, no more feeling weighed down, and definitely no Debbie Downer (nothing good's ever come from that drab-as-dirt Debbie Downer anywho). I was gonna turn this thing around...
And THEN, pulling into my parents' neighborhood, I watched a teenage boy run his absolute fastest to keep up with his lab on a leash. The sun was shining, the dog's tongue was hanging out, the leash was taut, the boy was gasping for air... 

All of a sudden, I found myself smiling. Do you know that it's been over a week since I've smiled to myself?! I have just two things to say...

1) A's mom, you were right. All it took was a "get the hell outta here" for me to feel better. Thank you.


2) I'm baaaaack!

Daily Dose of Dillies: Fancy Glass Candy Dishes (preferably with candy in them)

Is three candy dishes in one room (all full of candy) too much? So maybe I can't help myself when it comes to those crystal glass heart dishes that perfectly hold an entire bag of Godiva dark chocolate truffles. Or that yellow glass basket that highlights the shininess of red-foiled Dove chocolate squares? Or that old glass jar that's tinted blue and has the most adorable (and semi-dangerous) tin lid--I can't help loving how it displays mixed chocolates--as if they belong on a shelf in a soda shop; candy from another time. (I'm beginning to think maybe I can't help myself when it comes to chocolate???)

Honestly, it's the glitter of the glassware combined with the perfectly (and typically sparkly) wrapped candy that's irresistible. The adult version of gaping like "a kid in a candy shop" (except I'm still gaping at candy, aren't I?). But see, the fancy glass candy dish proves I'm a grown-up, for I know what beauty is and what taste is, and I've simply combined the two in an overtly MATURE way, wouldn't you say? Look at that! I'm a poet and I don't even know it. Alright, so I'm still a kid who's obsessed with candy and makes that silly poet joke. So suit me. But first, get a fancy candy dish and throw some candy in it. Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase?

And please tell me your favorite candy in a dish...Spice gum drops? Jordan almonds? Jelly Beans?