Much ado about whims and fancies.

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 WiShLiSt

NOTE: I got this idea from the AppleHouse Poetry Workshop blog (which, if you're interested in writing prompts, is a great little site), so don't think I'm to blame for its fabulosity.

I can't seem to stomach resolutions this year. I think it has something to do with my not wanting to feel guilty about leaving my goals, hopes, or dreams unfulfilled. Too much pressure, if you ask me, and I ain't down wit dat. But how about making a 2010 wishlist? Wouldn't THAT be something else? A list of all the things we wish to see in 2010, all the things we wish to experience, to feel, to give or receive...

Now wishing I can get behind.

Here goes:

1. I wish to get outside of ME and MY wants, MY needs, MY happiness, MY life and give, give, give of MYself until I feel less like me and more like a part of everything else (Mary, get me involved).
2. I wish to shine, sparkle, and warm like the summer sun through a white window-shade.
3. I wish to approach housecleaning like meditation, so that cleaning the hardwood floors is not back-breaking work, but rather mind-altering and soul-soaring relaxation.
4. I wish to dress impractically fanciful--ruffled skirts, tiny heels, frilly scarves, and LOTS of jewelry--as if I am the New Year's Christmas tree.
5. I wish to show my friends, family, and HUSBAND (Eeek! Still not used to throwing that title around) how often I think about them, how much I care about their happiness, and how much I loooooooove them by offering small kindnesses (i.e. Greeting cards in the mail? Random and unimportant text messages? A batch of chocolate peanut-butter fudge? A hand-crocheted doily? Okay, so maybe no doilies).
6. I wish to notice the tiny changes that distinguish one season from another (i.e. For weeks now, I haven't smelled the planty odor of Fall's wet and rotting leaves. More recently, when I walk outside in the morning, the air smells icy and a little smokey. Winter is in full-force. Insert my wish to go skiing here).
7. I wish to have long, lustrous, and bouncy hair that I can toss, twirl, and flounce. (So what if it's a vain wish. You can't deny the attractiveness of a good head of hair).
8. I wish to people-adore, which is a step above people-watching. I wish to see people, observe them, and find beauty in their every move and breath.
9. I wish to write ridiculously and uncritically. And instead of immediately trashing them, I wish to laugh at the no-goods.
10. I wish to have everything in its place--a homey, yet perfectly tidy abode. Martha Stewart, please step down.

This wishing thing really puts a new spin on resolutions, huh? My list really energizes me for all the good times ahead in 2010. Maybe a wishlist could invigorate you, too?


*image from

1 comment:

  1. let me begin by saying i LOOOOOVE the photo of yourself you have selected to display. it highlights both the external and internal beauty of yours that i oh so love. secondly, i absolutely enjoy your wish list for the new year. what fantastic ideas you have. i love the positive spin you are putting on such things such as cleaning the house. i will try to do the same when i go finish up the laundry and put clean sheets on the bed. meditation you say. i will do my best. anyway, just wanted to drop you line and show you my love and support as always. can't wait to see pictures/hear all about the honeymoon. much love, amanda
