Much ado about whims and fancies.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dog-gone Good!


I AM ALLERGIC TO DOGS. When I'm around them, I sneeze and wheeze and itch my rashy, hivey skin. (Attractive, huh?). But hey, I'm owning it. And over it, to be honest.

So let's talk talk about why I believe dogs (and other pets!) are worth all the pills and nasal sprays and ointments the world has to offer (in no particular order)...

1) They require one's care and attention. Bishop has to be fed, walked, played with, napped, pottied, etc, etc, etc every damn day. He's a living creature that has needs. And you know what? I've really come to appreciate that fact, because he reminds me that I'm not all there is. He makes me feel less selfish (especially when I'm picking up his monstrous poops), and yet, bigger than I am. Not only does it feel good to be needed, but it's remarkably fulfilling to love something outside myself. It's like all the love inside me has spread outside my body to include him, and in that spreading, I've grown.


2) They fill up a home. Not saying A and I don't have enough love between us to make our house "home," but Bishop has really added to our living space (That just made him sound like an accessory, didn't it?). Hearing his paws on the hardwood floor, seeing his toys in the living room, and of course, watching him hop down the stairs, slop up his water, and lope around the house is not only !FRICKIN' PRECIOUS BEYOND BELIEF! but also makes our house feel that more "lived in." His playful energy can be felt in every room.

3) They promote a healthy lifestyle. Since we've gotten Bishop, A and I have been sitting less and doing more. As said before, Bishop likes to play and be walked, and he needs to learn commands and be fed. Keeping Bishop active has gotten A and I off our patooties, too. Not to mention, running around in the grass, wrestling, and playing tug-of-war is FUN! It's nice having an excuse to goof off :)

While writing this, I'm realizing that most extracurriculars (activities/hobbies/pets/etc) do a person good. My friend A, who I've talked about before, is quite the crafter. She sews baby blankets, bags, makes her own greeting cards, bakes--all rewarding hobbies. And maybe that's the key--to seek out those things that make you grow, that make you feel special, that add more love to your life, that make you feel good. Cause lemme tell you, life is too short.

Do you have a pet who brings life to your life? Do you have hobbies or participate in activities that make you feel special? SHARE, PEOPLE!

Oh right...please?!

Here's a bribe:


  1. LOL I think all puppies walk like that until they realize the leash isn't trying to kill them. And yes, you've probably read my posts about our Lakota. She's been our "baby" for 4 years and I wouldn't change a second of it. Sometimes I think I take her for granted because it becomes more like a routine to take care of her than a blessing... but then she does something completely silly and I smile and thank God for her. I do the same with my family, but God always sends us reminders. :)

  2. I couldn't agree with you more. My little pup-kins Neila has helped me more than I realize. She is truly a blessing. Because of her I now rise early 3-4 days a week (and believe you me I am NOT a morning person) to walk her as the sun is rising. She has given me the gift of morning tranquility. A time to think; a time to exercise; a time to enjoy.

  3. Yay dogs! My dogs keep me sane (and sometimes drive me insane). But they are definitely work. I can't stand it when people get a dog and then give up said dog because it's too much work. Drives me batty! Dog people rock. I'm glad you've joined our cult. He he he. We must meet up at the dog park soon!

  4. I love dogs!! stop by and check out my site if you get a chance! let me know what you think. it's about my 30 day challenge.
