Much ado about whims and fancies.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Blah Blah Blog

In lieu of my brother just starting a blog (which is "The Cabinet of My Mind", a poetry blog and one you should make a point to check out), I thought I'd share some thoughts on "writing outlets." With that introduction, here goes:

*image from

As a temp-job-working and unpracticing writer, I found myself craving an easily accessible writing outlet (meaning somewhere I could write while at work without raising suspicion).

And so I started a blog (that I titled “Farin’ on the West Winds of Erin,” OBVIOUSLY, considering everyone loves a good nautical jab. You do, don't you?).

At first, I imagined I’d get all artsy and whimsy with my posts, writing enlightened pieces about “living the creative life.” But after my first few attempts--talking about Meat Loaf lyrics in corporate spaces and drinking wine instead of cleaning house--I realized that I was sorely misinformed about “my inner artist” (who turned out to be less like Picasso and more like the kid who ate glue in kindergarten).

So I reevaluated my reasons behind blogging. Was I hoping to display my writerly talent to gain respect from my readers? Show off in a sense? Or perhaps I was just wanting to publicize my “quirky” and “eccentric” personality, as my mother describes it (which, as everyone knows, is really just code for “odd” and “not right.” Thanks, Mom). Or maybe I thought that having a blog would help me come across as in-with-the-now and internety high-tech (which, I’m sure, is the actual jargon of the biznass). But as I pondered and scratched my head and then pondered some more, I realized that the real reason for my starting a blog was much simpler than all that. I just wanted to write. I wanted to write whatever, whenever, with no thought about talent or voice or audience. I just wanted a space where I could feel like myself—curious, free, and wilder than the cubicle walls that surround me. Because when I feel most like myself, I’m a creative genius.

And so it’s been, ever since that day of reckoning, that I’ve written excitedly and unabashedly. I look forward to signing into Blogger so that I can talk about how much I hate Tuesdays or what I ate over the course of the week. I get excited to share my feelings on glass jars and Banana Nut Cheerios. Or tell the story of how I puked at a soccer game. Again. It’s having the option to talk about anything that makes me think about everything, which, as it turns out, is pretty inspiring. I’ve thought about a gajillion art projects I want to take on—poster-sized word collages, crocheted doilies, doorknob swags made from toilet paper rolls, and even an shop dedicated to my husband’s photography (okay, so that’s four projects). Point is, I’ve literally self-inspired myself to go beyond the page and get creative in the real world. And all because I started a blog.

Which brings me back to the boardgame Outta Control—

What if we had to do a series of creative "Do cards" throughout the course of a day? For example, “Do write a blog entry about your favorite smell.” Or “Do draw a stick-figure of your friend and give it to him/her.” Or “Do bitch about what a terrible Tuesday you’re having” (I’m telling you, creative or not, we’d all commiserate. Tuesdays are THE WORST).

I honestly think I'm on to something here (this is where you politely nod your head in agreement).

So what do you say, all you writers out there? Shall we get a little outta control?

1 comment:

  1. I am with you on the outta control bit. We writers need to stick together! I think I started a blog for similar reasons (and partially because I enjoy yours so much!). If you haven't seen this site: you need to check it out! Happy (almost) Friday!
