Much ado about whims and fancies.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Foodie Friday!

Okay, so I just came from lunch where I finished myself off with two Hershey's Kisses. I must say, I feel phenomenal. Seriously, I'm kind of in love with the little guys--their shiny wrappers, their white tags that wave at me, saying, "Allo. We dunno why we've got English accents, but we do. Ah well, eat us up! Cheerio!" They really are drops of happiness.

But moving on from chocolate (not saying I won't be back), how about the other gut-tastic foods I ate this week! Egg scrambles! Oh my gosh, I seriously think my husband makes the best dern scrambles (yes, I said "dern"). Go chop yourself some potatoes, then throw em into an oil-greased fry pan whereupon you add Lowry's, garlic salt, and multiple Tabasco sauces. Once those are nearly tender throughout, throw in some broccoli and some chopped onion. Wait for the broccoli to tenderize before you add the eggs. Once the eggs are cooked throughout and not gooey, top with cheese, some salsa, and spinach! Like I said, oh. my. gosh. I totally just came from lunch and would eat again if a scramble were in the break room. And this dish is healthy, too! You really can't feel bad about eating eggs and veggies...

Holy crap, I never told you guys about The Palm's chocolate cake (I warned you I'd be back to chocolate). This piece of cake is, no joke, probably three to four pounds heavy. Yes, you read right--PIECE of cake. It's about ten layers (though thin) tall, each layer of chocolate cake separated by fudgey frosting. And the top of the cake has these little brownie bite things which are also covered in fudgey frosting. I tell you what, it's heart-attack good. Like I have trouble not "What-About-Bob"-ing it as I write. And it lasted A and I three days afterward! That's eight desserts, people! Granted, it cost what eight desserts should, know...No matter the bill though, this cake is worth every mmm and oooo and yummy. (Granted, jury's still out if it's worth every pound you pack on afterward).

Alright, that's enough of my piggy-ness.

How bout we talk about this great idea I had (and yes, this one's really my idea). So, I was looking at my To Do list today and randomly thought about this old boardgame called "Outta Control"...

While I could really go off on how much I ADORED that game, I'll stick to my point (what a rarity, I know). Before someone could roll the dice, he/she had to perform a series of "Do cards." A "Do card" might say something like, "Do say your favorite ice cream flavor" or "Do put your finger to your nose." And I mean, oftentimes there were five or six "Do cards" that you had to perform in a row. Any given turn, someone might stand up, spin around ten times, shout their middle name, and then sit back down to roll the dice with their lips. I mean, this game was ridiculous. And SO MUCH FUN. Well, so I got to thinking...what if we had to do a series of "Do cards" before we started our day? And while I love blowing spit bubbles as much as the next person, what if the "Do cards" were a little more meaningful (though still silly, cause I mean, c'mon...silliness rules)? For example, "Do make a funny face." Or "Do say Good Morning to God." Or "Do guess the day's weather forecast." Or "Do kiss your bed-buddy on the eyelids." I honestly think I'm on to something here. "Outta Control" used to be just that--outta control. So I only foresee good things coming from this :)

Much luck on all your "Do"-ings.
Have a good weekend, friends.

1 comment:

  1. I love Paul Simon! And I appreciate all of your food thoughts. Hershey Kisses really do make my day. I keep a jar of them at my desk. When the two o'clock slump hits, they sure do come in handy! Speaking of deliciousness...I had the most delictable vegan pumpkin spice cupcake from Boulder Baked. I don't know how it's done, but oh man. I might have to devote a whole blog post to it...:-)
