Much ado about whims and fancies.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Questionnaire a la Erin

*image from

My friend and fellow blogger Erin recently posted this questionnaire, and because we have the same namesake, I seem to think I have the right to copycat ;)

While my experience with questionnaires tells me they're tedious to fill out and read, I also know that they're a quick way to get to know a person. So, with that said, I hope this questionnaire serves as my introduction (Even though most of you readers know me well already, considering you're years-long friends and family members :) Oh welp). Really quickly though, speaking of introductions, I have to tell you one of my favorites--Sarah Von's from yes and yes: "I want to see the world, save the dolphins and read The New Yorker while wearing cute outfits and eating bon bons. You too? Let's dance." If I were a hilarious person, I would've come up with that myself. But alas, I am not, and so am forced to steal other people's good ideas (yes, I've been there, done that, and am doing it again).

To the questions! (Excuse my inability to be pithy.)

Part 1 of 2:

1) Let's start with something typical: What is your favorite color? Why is it your favorite?
This question is always on questionnaires, isn't it? And though it seems like the easiest one of the bunch--kind of like the warm-up of questionnaires--I always struggle answering it. See, I adore colors. Pretty much all of em. I can't imagine commiting to any one color for fear of letting my other favorite colors down. I mean, I like pink because it's girly and bright and makes me feel those ways, too. But I also like green because it's earthy and happy and just happens to bring out my green eyes. Then there's blue, which is rich like a gemstone. Do you see what I mean? Colors make me happy. They're my friends. (Wow. Shoulda just saved some space and said "Don't have one" eh?)

2) What do you think is your strongest trait?
I'm really thinking it's personability, which is sort of a joke, considering it's not a serious trait. I mean, I don't think that my chatterbugginess will earn me any successes. And yet, I think my ability to talk to anyone is a positive trait. Not only do I like knowing I can work a room by myself (no arm-buddy required here), but it's friendly to chit-chat, polite even. There's no denying that people like it when someone shows interest in them. And because I listen well and ask follow-up questions, I usually learn a lot whilst gabbing--I hear stories I would've otherwise not, I get the scoop on various life experiences that aren't mine, and, of course, the ever-necessary networking comes in to play. I mean, personability opens a lot of doors, so I can't help but see it as my strongest trait--opportunity is only a conversation away :)

3) What is your greatest fear (that is not a phobia)?
I think my greatest fear is a common one--losing a loved one. I've experienced death before--3 of my 4 grandparents have passed away--but I've never lost someone "before their time." Last week, A told me that an old classmate of his lost both her mother and her grandmother to a train crash. Suddenly and with no warning, this 25 year old girl was without 2 loved ones. I cried at the thought of it. I can't even begin to imagine the pain, the confusion, the questions that a tragedy like that makes you ask--How does one fill a hole in a heart? I'm way too attached to the people I love to imagine a life without them, too scared.

4) What do you want most out of life right now?
This has gotta be the cheesiest answer, but what I want right now is to live life to the fullest. I've got an incredible man by my side, I've got a job that affords me time to write/blog, I've got a beautiful home, I live only 20 minutes away from family members, I'm healthy, I live in a beautiful state...I'm telling you, I've got everything at my fingertips! Right now I want to take advantage of my blessings. I want to actively love my husband--support him in his studies, cook for him (something other than breakfast foods), tickle his feet... you know, play house nicely; I want to work hard and take pride in my job, finally start the Rosetta Stone program; I want to give good attention to writing creatively (submit even!); I want to start the arts & crafts projects I've been meaning to (how bout that traveling journal finally getting out in the world?); I want to share our home with visitors--welcome them and make them feel like family; I want to BAKE; I want to see my family as often as I can--have dinner together, go to the cabin; and I want to be healthy and happy--get up off my patootie more often, go outside and run around. This is a time of fullness for me. How dare I not live it up.

5) What other culture most fascinates you?
Funny enough, Erin answered this question Native American, too. Their culture really is so interesting, isn't it? Their connection to and respect for the earth, their knack for storytelling (and writing, too), their spiritual beliefs (kind of like animism, or "the philosophical, religious or spiritual idea that souls or spirits exist not only in humans but also in other animals, plants, rocks, natural phenomena such as thunder, geographic features such as mountains or rivers, or other entities of the natural environment" (Wikipedia)), as well as their spiritual practices, such as dream/meditation tipis and medicine men. They are beings from another age--more interconnected and so better attuned to each other and the world around them. I'd say I've got a lot to learn from them.

6) What is your worst vice?
First thing to pop into my head: wine. I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a lush or a boozer, but I do have a thing for wine--an every night, 1-2 glasses, served in pretty crystal thing. Soooo wonderful :) But outside of food and drink, I'd say my worst vice is my tendency to put things on the backburner. I like doing stuff and being productive as much as the next person, but sometimes I have so many things I wanna do that I put off getting them started. Those arts & crafts projects I talked about in question 4? Case in point.

7) What is something about yourself that you would never change, even if it's been known to get you into trouble?
I don't know that I'm SCARY opinionated, but I am someone who speaks her mind. I'm just passionate about a lot of my beliefs and so find it nearly impossible to keep my mouth shut about them. While it'd be less problematic for me to gauge both my audience and venue before baring all, I don't know that I will.

It's your turn, friends! Post your answer to one of the above questions in the comments section! Let me get to know YOU a bit. Pretty please?

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