Much ado about whims and fancies.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

By Golly, I've Got It!

*image from

So I may or may not have poached an idea from a fellow blogger. This very wise female writer has set up each day of the week with a rough theme or topic (No, not rough as in "rough and ready," but rough as in semi-related or vaguely-associated-with). For example: "Fitness Friday" or "What the Hell? Wednesday." I think I might give this format a try. You know...for shits and giggles. What do you think, Readers, about the following themes?

Mull Over Monday: We'll talk about everything we did over the weekend! That should make our Monday more manageable, eh? "Manageable Monday!"

Terrible Tuesday: We'll bitch and moan, obviously, because Tuesdays are terrrrrriiiiibbbbble. The worst.

Whatever Wednesday: We'll talk about anything and everything, because sometimes a girl's just gotta have the space to blab. Am I right or am I right?

Theoretical Thursday: This may sound down and drab, but really, we're all smart people who could handle a theoretical/heady conversation once a week ("theoretical" being subjective, that is).

Foodie Friday: We'll all talk about the fabulous (or not so fabulous) foods/drinks we inhaled during the course of the week! You know, kinda like that girl in the movie "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" who calls her boyfriend to tell him everything she ate that day...well, kinda like that.

Considering this brilliant idear just came to me TODAY, let's leave the Theoretical Thursday till next week, shall we? And let me know your feelings on the above format. Is it a go? A no-go? Would you participate in said themes? Or do you have better suggestions? Pray tell, for I clearly have no problem stealing other people's bright ideas.

1 comment:

  1. I kinda like this idea too! Of course, when I'm told to write about something in particular, even vaguely, I feel the need to rebel and say no way! I write what I want! I wonder if it's possible to trick oneself...
