Much ado about whims and fancies.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday's Whatevs

*image from

I know that it's Wednesday and not Tuesday and so because of that, I shouldn't really bitch and moan in typical Terrible Tuesday fashion. However, my absence yesterday was due to Tuesday's terribleness, so the right to vent is mine!

But because it is indeed Wednesday, I feel the need to ward off Terrible Tuesday for just another few minutes. In which case, here's Part 2 of Monday's questionnaire:

8) What is something you wish you could change about yourself, but have not been able to?
I see myself as a relatively confident woman, and I know that I'll make it just fine in this world, but I've never actually believed I could do anything. I know how awful that might read, but let me explain. After graduation, I researched a gajillion and one job postings, read their descriptions and their requirements. And you know what I felt over and over again? Failure. Either I didn't think that I was qualified or I didn't think I could stick with it, it didn't matter--I couldn't think highly enough of myself to apply. I'd like to think I was just being realistic and cutting my losses, but sometimes I wish I wouldn't play it so safely. I wish I believed enough in myself (or dreamed bigger than myself) to actually shoot higher than the reachable star.

9) What is a food you find comforting?
Cereal. BIG TIME. Not only do I love the taste of cereal, but I love it's homey-ness, too. It's totally unfancified and everyday and I've always got it on hand. Reliable happy food :)

10) How do you expel anger or frustration?
Because I'm an open book, there's no reason to pretend I feel differently, so I confront or admit my frustration. "Talk is cheap" or whatever, but it's really the best way I've found to fix a situation. Although cleaning helps too ;)

11) What is one thing you wish to accomplish in the next five years?
I want to open an shop for A's photographs and perhaps some of my word collages and other handmade art. I think having a small, web-based side business would not only keep me busy when A's in the thick of his rotations, but it'd be a creative (and hopefully profitable) outlet, too :) Not to mention, I think it's a good idea to have something like that well under way before we potentially move, so that I'm able to work from home if I have to. I'd also like to take publishing more seriously--submit more work and possibly edit, too.

12) Name one talent you have that people might not be aware of.
Err...umm....well isn't this is a stumper of a question? I suppose I can doodle with the best of em (though I only say so cause A says so). Oh! Oh! I've got it! I can recognize actors/actresses and say what other movies/shows they were in.

13) Name one thing you wish you were good at, but are not.
I wish I were better at cooking :( Though I wanna be optimistic and say I've just not tried hard enough. I also wish I were musically inclined--playing the harmonica is a dream of mine.

14) What can make you laugh, no matter your mood?
A's pouty face. He's absolutely forbidden to teach it to our future children (or Ware-babies as they're more affectionately referred to).

15) Name a movie, book, and song that bring about happy memories.
All of the above? Phew, alrighty then. Here goes:

A movie that brings about happy memories would have to be "Tommy Boy." I've seen it way too many times (because it's riotously hilarious) and always with my favorite people. I miss me my Chris Farley. "Your brain has the sh-shell on it."

A book that brings about happy memories? I'm going with "The Hungry Caterpillar." I remember renting that book from the Grand Lake Public Library over and over and over and over...(isn't it adorable how fat he gets?!)

And lastly, a song--Moxy Fruvous' "King of Spain." I remember the first time my friend A played it for me. We were in high school, heading somewhere in her little champage-colored Honda. I'm sure I had the look of WTF?! written all over my face because this song is so unexpected and silly and totally McGoo (though it's actually good, too, as it's upbeat and catchy). Well, A knew all the words and performed it like a Broadway show. That song and memory still puts a smile on my face in .2 seconds flat. (Yanni, you too, can make me smile).


Once again, please participate, mi amigos! Pick a question and post your answer!
(Unless, of course, you'd prefer to save your answer to the favorite comfort foods question till Foodie Friday?)

And now finally, because it just couldn't help butting its ugly head into the conversation--

TERRRRRRRIBLE TUESSSSSDAY! I've got just a couple things to say, the most important being: bad snacks. Who does Tuesday think it is keeping me from bringing more enticing and nutritious delicacies to work? If I have to eat another Slim Fast bar, I dunno what I'll do (except throw that half-eaten, faux-chocolate-something at Tuesday's back maybe).

And also, sending a big WTF?! to all UTIs out there. How dare you, I say. How dare you.

How is your Wednesday shaping up?

1 comment:

  1. I am a little behind on reading your blog. But I love love love that you have captured that memory of the King of Spain driving in my car. You painted it perfectly. While reading it I felt like I was right back there with you. That is why we were/are best friends. Who else would have appreciated that song. Not many people. So thank you for appreciating my ridiculous knowledge of words to ridiculous songs. Love you!
