* image from http://i-heart.tumblr.com/post/344012937/love-is-everywhere-iheart
Is it just me? Or is everyone talking about relationships right now? The new lovey-dovey feelings and the surprises that come with getting to know a person. The logistics and inner-workings of a long-term romance or marriage. Relationships are the go-to topic with all my friends and family these days. And as much as I enter into the conversations, pretending to know what's what romantically, I've come to realize that I actually don't. While I've been told I give "good advice," all I can say is that I simply tune into the situation, put myself in that person's shoes, and think realistically. But other than that, I've got no real authority on the subject. No one does. And yet everyone speaks as if their relationship is the same as everyone else's, as if everyone commiserates with the same troubles/problems. But relationships are more complex than that. No two are alike. And there's certainly no standard. Sure, we may have had similar happenings in our relationships, but similar doesn't mean same. All relationships are unique, one-of-a-kind.
For example, yesterday, I overheard a coworker talking on the phone. He said that work was going great, but that his home life wasn't. In that moment, I felt so sad. It's like I've been walking around the office in a blur, blinded to others' troubles, taking my own life's blessings and happinesses for granted. I had no idea that mine and this coworker's situations were somewhat reversed. I thrive in my home life. Home with A is where I'm happiest and at my best. Yet, this coworker views his job as a reprieve, a break, a happy space. I'm sad that I never knew that about my coworker. And I'm sad that he doesn't have what I do. But again, everyone's relationships are different. At least he's happy somewhere.
And that's what I've realized in this current ocean of relationship talk--that my marriage to A is not comparable to others'. It's not worse, it's not better, it's not the norm...it's perfect...for me. And that's all I can hope for anyone else's situation. That it's perfect for them.
Which brings me to my friend who's in the middle of changing her career path. She was getting bored in her current position and wanted a change of scenery. She asked her boss about options within the company and also applied to other in-state and out-of-state companies. Both situations present obvious perks and drawbacks: in-state means comfortability and familiarity and all the friends and family she's grown up with, but out-of-state means fresh start and potential for new friendships and relationships. I don't envy her the difficult choice she has to make. Though I do admire the efforts she's made and the steps she's taken to change her current situation. She didn't like where she was and so she took it into her own hands to better it. And though I'd die and go to heaven if she moved to Colorado, and though I oftentimes find myself "selling" her this life, the truth is, it's up to her and what she thinks is right. I need to get on board with that. My first thought shouldn't be, "I'd have my best girlfriend at my fingertips!" It should be, "What's best for my B-by? What is her perfect outcome?" And then maybe I should take her example personally and make some moves myself. About time I quit talking about freelance writing and actually do it. About time I quit talking about starting an etsy.com shop and actually do it. (Pep-talking myself much?)
All these happenings come at such an interesting time, too, don't they? Spring, the season of growth and all new scenery. I'm telling you, the earth and its people fascinate me. The two are more connected than we let on...
Which brings me to the Blog Carnival! Erin, Erin, and myself will be getting out of our heads and into the wild next Monday, April 5th. Come read about all things nature...Erin-style.
Until then, get outdoors! Take a walk! Turn your face to the sun! And whatever you do, please, please, please, enjoy yourself :)
* image from http://www.flickr.com/photos/jkonig/2641552311/