Much ado about whims and fancies.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thursday Thank Yous

*image from

Okay, so this Thursday I'm gonna get a little mushy on y'all instead of theoretical. You don't mind do you? Oh good.

I just have to AGAIN sing the praises of some of you bloggers out there (I'm thinking of Erin and Erin and Sarah and Kendall and Natalie and Melissa and Chrissie (I feel like I just picked my dodge ball team in P.E.). See, I have very few girlfriends here in Colorado. You read right. Few. (So what if my other girlfriends are dispersed across the U.S.? They're cool like that. Or something. Somebody throw me a pity-party, please). But reading your blogs, I don't feel so friendless. I feel like we're all hanging out around some huge wooden table, sitting on benches, our cups of hot tea and coffee steaming the air, stuffing scones and muffins and toast and fruit into our mouths while simultaneously chatting and getting to know each other and laughing and patty-caking (Kidding about the patty-caking. Sort of. And there may or may not be a beautiful chandelier above us, shedding rose-colored light). Or we could just put on ridiculous costumes and hang out in a bathtub? No matter. Point is, you give me my "girl-fill," so to speak. So I owe you all a big thank you for making me feel like I've got friends again :)

On a sidenote, how great are markers?! Just magical. Go color a picture, please. And let this little ditty inspire you: "A hug delights and warms and charms. That must be why God gave us arms!"

Tomorrow's Friday! Ain't too early to smile in anticipation :)

1 comment:

  1. Awww *hugs*

    I have a huge family here, but few friends - just like you. :) Most of my friends moved far away during and after college. I agree that blogging has been like a big girl party. LoL! Hooray!
