Much ado about whims and fancies.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Naked Redhead and Her Theory

*image from Danny Roberts' Shop (I own this print!)

I know what you're thinking--finally a Thursday post with the word "theory" in it! Or were you thinking
that this entry's gonna be naughty, judging by the title. Sorry to let y'all down, ya pervs, cause it's anything BUTT (hehe).
But onward and theory-ward! I wanna talk about The Naked Redhead's recent post about how every little thing we do helps determine the future events of our lives. For example, if I say good morning to my coworker and compliment her blouse, the very next day I might get a smile from a stranger or a pat on the back from my boss. Or even simpler--if I eat a piece of peanut butter toast for breakfast one morning, five years down the road I might win a sweepstakes for Nutter-Butters (please oh please oh please). It's the idea that every little thing we do or say has an impact on what may become of us. A lot like karma? Yes. But it's also a lot like the butterfly effect, too. Not only does it have some cause and effect to it, but it's also got the possibility for wild divergences. Say there is a cause (my drinking a glass of coffee every morning), which has unknowable, though widespread, outcomes (my developing anxiety attacks or my running into a long-lost friend or my airplane being re-routed). It's not necessarily an exact system, though it does make the point that everything matters. And everything means something, too. Scary thought? I don't think so. I see the whole thing as more of a call to attention, advising we put some serious thought and effort into our actions, for our futures are pretty much in our hands (which might sound obvious but is actually pretty easy to forget). And it's an empowering message, too, as the lovely Redhead says herself, "There is always still time for change, for betterment, for improvement."

I think because it's Lent (when I give up blah blah blah foods and attempt to pray more), the Redhead's message stuck with me more than usual. What will my efforts change? How will they better or improve me and my life? Are my efforts enough? I've been going through the motions a lot lately, so it's about time I focused and really thew some energy into what I'm doing. It is my future, afterall, right? Right!

P.S. Yes and Yes recently wrote about "Doing a Day Differently"--a day in which you attempt to change every little routine/pattern/habit of your typical day. She's got this change thing down. You've gotta read this entry!
P.P.S. Recent addition to my March Love List? Haikus like this one.

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