Much ado about whims and fancies.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Erin Go Braugh(-less)

!!! Happy Saint Patrick's Day !!!
This is me sending y'all lots of Leprechaun-esque pinches! And by that, I mean pinches with tiny little baby fingers that don't really hurt at all but kind of tickle instead. Or itch.

I'm weird.

Question: Is it officially Spring?

Answer 1: Yes because my urge to wear bright colors is back! Pink anyone?

Answer 2: Yes because the ground is thawing (releasing that humid smell (mm, love it!)), and because I feel myself thawing, too (aww).

Answer 3: Yes because when I walked into the house after a run the other day, I noticed how my skin smelled like sunlight. You know the smell!

Sooo, I'm led to believe that it is indeed Spring! Woot Woot! I guess I was just hesitant to say it for fear of Winter whipping back to dish out one last blizzard (while laughing in my face, I'm sure). I'm just so ready for a change of season! Aren't you? Spring is so fresh and sunny and happy! Not to mention, it brings with it the fabulous holiday that is Easter, which I can't wait for! All those pastels, marshmallows, and rabbit-shaped EVERYTHING. I've already promised myself Cold Stone ice cream right after Mass. You heard me. Spring, me love you long time.

Also! I forgot to tell you all that I heard back from a coworker about the Random Acts of Kindness Week message I laid on his desk. To recap, I printed out these adorable little picture messages like "Take a look around you" with little birdies plucking worms from the ground and "You are beautiful" written out in flowers and ribbon and secretly set them on some of my coworkers' desks, thinking I'd anonymously make their days. But nothing ever came of it all. No questions, no yays, no nothin. Until yesterday! My coworker knocked on my cubicle wall and asked if I was responsible for the cute messages. I said that I was. He told me that the note I gave him totally made his day and that it was the gesture of someone leaving a sweet, secret message on his desk that got  him to smile. So I'm back to yaying for kindness! Apparently all I needed was a little positive reenforcement, huh? (Granted, I shouldn't need thanks to do good deeds :-/ I'll work on that). Anywho, point is, I am once again thinking about random acts of kindness to commit around the office :)

Lastly, I've really been slacking on some of my "wishes" for 2010 (I really need to print my list out and tape it to my cubicle wall. Everyone who knows me knows that I don't remember jack you-know-what without a post-it note). I realized all this when reading an adorable card from my dearest friend A (that silly peanut guy still cracks me up!). Even if I spend only a minute and 42 cents on a card, I need to be writing my friends more often. Like A's card, snail mail has a way of making real smiley faces as opposed to computer-generated ones. And who couldn't say woohoo to that? Exactly.

Again, regarding today being St. Paddy's:  I hope you all get some green food or green drink in that belly of yours! And pray tell me what green you're wearing :)

P.S. All you fellow bloggers out there, what do you think about hosting a "blog carnival" with me? All we'd have to do is 1) come up with a topic 2) write a blog entry about it 3) post our entries on the same day 4) include links to each other's respective articles! Easy, right?! Topic-wise, I was thinking we could all partake in an experiment of sorts. For one whole day, we could be mindful of our complaining, trying to limit it. But every time a complaint sneaks out, we would have to give a compliment to someone. Our posts would document our experiences. Feelings???


  1. I do random acts of kindness occasionally in the office - like bring donuts to work or something. It makes me feel good.

    I'm wearing a green striped shirt today and a clover necklace. Sadly, I couldn't come up with anything better. My Irish heritage should be ashamed.

    Finally, I like the idea of a blog carnival. I've never done anything of the sort so -- I'm in. :)

  2. As another Erin...

    I'm also in for the blog carnival and happy to link pages to mine (maybe it should be an Erin blog carnival...nah I guess we shouldn't discriminate).

    I always say that I don't have to wear green on St. Patrick's Day because my name is Irish enough, but I happen to have on my fat unicorn shirt:

    It basically makes me smile all day...

  3. I am bound and determined to believe it is Spring! And I'm trying very hard to ignore those forcasts for snow this weekend :/

  4. Erins--glad to hear you're in on the blog carnival! Looks like we might have ourselves an all-Erin theme afterall! I'll get back to you on topics.

    Sarah--you've got snow forecasts for the weekend too? What a down-and-out drag. I might just have to put on my petal-patterned dress ANYWAY. Nothin' like a little passive aggression, mm?
