Much ado about whims and fancies.

Monday, March 1, 2010

March Love List

Operation NICE blogger Melissa has been feeling down-in-the-dumps because of the icky cold and snowy weather. So in order to kick her winter woes, she decided to write a March Love List that includes all the things she loves about this month. I think Melissa's got a grand idea here, and so in typical Erin fashion, I'm stealing it and making my own March Love List, too. Here goes:

1. Budding/blooming trees and plants (and the fact that I get to use the words budding and blooming more often).
2. The smell of thawing--when the ice melts off the grass, emitting that Fall-ish smell of wet leaves. Mmm, love it!
3. A's fancy shmancy scholarship dinner downtown. Formal attire REQUIRED!
4. My out-of-town best friend coming for an extended St. Paddy's weekend!
5. Driving home from work in the daylight!
6. Getting back the desire for a COLD drink.
7. Birds chirping in the morning! And the geese are back!
8. Jogging outdoors!
9. The stark yet surprising beauty of the outdoor world--icy and cold, yet with bits of color in the trees and on the ground--seemingly two seasons in one.

What do YOU love about March, mm? Please post your love lists!

P.S. My weekend was so fabulous--lots of family and friend-time, lots of good eats, and I saw "Shutter Island" which was crazy disturbing, twisted, and a total mind-game. It had me wondering the entire time. LOVED IT. Recommend it wholeheartedly. But what fabulous things did you do this past weekend?

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