Much ado about whims and fancies.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How I Blame Tuesday for My Lack of Exercise

* image from

Seeing as Terrible Tuesday has come back around to ruin our weeks, I'd say we're due for a good ranting sesh (short for session--blame my friend B for the abbreves (oh boy...)). Who wants to start? Me?

So, I've been trying to get back into running and working out, and I tell you what, I'm struggling. But instead of blaming my own lazy-butt for getting me into this rut, I blame Tuesday because, well...because Tuesday is terrible. Here's the sitch (again, blame B. Or hell, blame Tuesday!):

1) There's not much daylight left when I get home from work.
2) My neighborhood's nice, but not nice enough to run outside, alone, in the dark. No offense, Aurora, but you haven't turned yourself around YET.
3) I don't really like going to the gym because where I belong has a 90% male clientele who hogs the weight machines (I think they're all part of some body-building team because these are HUGE men in an "I'm scared to so much as glance at your bicep for fear of it popping off your arm, bounding towards me, and beating me across the face like a punching bag" kind of way). Not to mention, they watch me, and if there's something I hate, it's sweating, lamaze breathing--generally DYING--while being watched.
4) I don't like running on treadmills because they mess with my natural cadence and so leave me more sore than usual, AND...
5) I get bored with not going anywhere on a treadmill, so I wind up quitting sooner than I would've outside.

(that was a pretty good Whiner McWhinerson rant, wouldn't you say?)

So that's the story of my "active" life right now. Been real fun to negotiate. I guess I'm hoping that my Biggest Loser work-out videos will sufficiently train me for my 5K in two weeks? Er...

Not to mention, it's supposed to rain all week. Boo to that. And boo to you too, Tuesday. Boo big time.

But how are YOUR Terrible Tuesdays shaping up? Anyone having an UN-terrible Tuesday?

And pray tell me how you guys "get physical, physical" (thank you Olivia Newton-John for that fabulous tune). Seeking loads of inspiration and motivation, please :)

P.S. After all this whining, I read Operation NICE's post about taking on the project of not complaining for a week. Umm....shall I rethink my Negative Nelly-ness? Yes, perhaps.

1 comment:

  1. I don't generally have terrible Tuesdays. I'm more likely to have crappy Mondays. By Tuesday I'm just having another typical day.

    As for getting physical, physical - I'm struggling too. After spending the better part of four years working out and quitting and working out and quitting, and after a long, lazy winter, I've decided it's time to do some serious spring shaping up. I've decided to begin with taking my dog for a walk around our "nice, but not nice enough to run outside, alone, in the dark" neighborhood. She makes me feel safer, plus she would use the exercise too. Once I get the hang of this routine, I'll go from there.
