Much ado about whims and fancies.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Friend's Brilliant Words

Because my friend A is a shyster when it comes to posting comments on my blog (I can't say I know her to be a shyster in any other capacity), I'll post her comments myself! I just so enjoyed what she had to say regarding her "quiet-time activity"..

"The other day on your bloggie poo, you asked what do we do to quiet our minds. I had no idea what I do to be quiet. It really got me thinking. When do I devote time to being quiet? To rejuvenating? The fact that I couldn't immediately think of something was very telling. I do not spend enough time being quiet with just myself, though I realized that I am quiet when cooking. When I am cooking, it is the only thing I am thinking about. And I don't mind doing it alone--taking my time, chopping, peeling, measuring. It's very fulfilling. I like preparing a meal for others to enjoy, knowing that in an hour or two I am going to be sitting down with people I love. It makes me feel at peace."

Wow, huh? The way she described how she feels when cooking gave me such a peaceful image. And the fact that her "quiet-time activity" results in filling others' tummies and hearts is beautiful. What a doofus for not posting her comments sooner, right?

It's not only uplifting to hear how others put themselves at peace, but it's also inspiring. I can't say I've ever experienced "peace" when cooking, but then again, I've never approached cooking in a way other than "hurry up and make this meal so that you can get on to other things." A has made me think twice about my attitude in the kitchen, and I thank her for that. Tonight I'll take it easy while cooking and attempt to see that 1/2 hour or so as restful, though focused, time with myself. Cause I'll tell ya one thing, whatever A's got going for her, her cooking is fabulous. Now I know why :)

P.S. Pray don't keep your comments to yourselves, lovely readers. I'd hate to think you're withholding gems like this one...

P.P.S. Tomorrow's Friday!

P.P.P.S. (<--which I'm not even sure exists) The BLOG CARNIVAL about vision boards will commence Monday, September 6th! Until then, I'll be M.I.A. Stay tuned, beautiful people!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Yummy in my tummy.

Remember when I used to talk about food all the time? Well, what would you say about harkening back to those times, mm? Perhaps with a little chat about Hershey's 100 calorie chocolate covered pretzels?

Seriously, folks, these are quite delicious, and I would love nothing more than to tell you the who, what, where, when, why, and how...

WHO: This girl...

...or me, rather (though I've decided Ashlee Simpson would play me in the movie of my life. She's red-headed, nice-looking, quirky (the silly girl got a nose-job!)...and she'd lip-synch every word I've ever said).

WHAT: 100 calorie Hershey's chocolate covered pretzels (Which are new arrivals in our office's vending machine. So what if I know the exact date when each and every one of the vending machine's offerings became available?)

WHERE: In my corporate cubicle...surrounded by OTHER corporate cubicles (fancy-shmancy, I know).

WHEN: At approximately 1:30PM Mountain standard time this very Tuesday afternoon.

WHY: Because I (pictured above) was craving a sweet sumpin-sumpin and needed an afternoon pick-me-up of sorts (Sometimes that glass of room temperature water just doesn't do the trick, ya know?)

HOW: Quietly in the beginning, as I was taking our first meeting slowly--opening the wrapper, peeling it back to reveal what's inside, making note of the size and appearance of the small, though reasonably sized, chocolatey morsels. As Jim Gaffigan would say, "Hey there, candy. Why don't I help you out of that wrapper and into something a little more comfortable?" Thennnnnnn, the best way I can describe it is like a merging of the What About Bob? scene where Bill Murray moans after each bite and an old Herbal Essences commercial where the woman screams and shouts in ecstasy...

Yes, yes, it was like all of that. But on mute (I'm at work, people!).

It was a wondrous 1:30PM, lemme tell you. Mm-mm-good.

Now go get yourself some...while I go raid the break room for lost change so I can buy me another!

Happy Tuesday to you chocolate-covered readers!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Help me relax, please.

Call me crazy, but sometimes I find it hard to enjoy the weekend because I feel like I've got to be DOING something the whole time--exercising, walking the dog, doing chores, running errands...I've always got a running to-do list in my head.

I'd like to take a moment to blame the work week...

Today, for example: I got up early so that I'd have time to get ready, take Bishop out to potty, feed him, give him his meds, AND make coffee and breakfast before driving the big guy to daycare. All that before arriving at work! (I'm sure all the parents out there are saying, "Big deal, ya whiner. I do it every day.") Now I'm at work for 8 hours, during which I'll multi-task the entire time: process, call, pay, stamp, process, and of course, make a list of the after-work to-dos. Then I'll leave work at 5, head straight to daycare to get Bishop, run some errands, and THEN head home to make dinner. It's like there's always that next thing that needs to get done...and it's messing with my weekends, people!

So what's a girl gotta do to get out of that "go, go, go" mentality?

Watch a Harry Potter movie apparently! A and I watched the Goblet of Fire yesterday and something about all that creativity and imagination really helped me forget reality and relax for a bit.

A young adult movie--who knew?

But Harry's not always on TV. In which case, I've gotta come up with a relaxer on my own, another creative outlet that helps me forget my ever-growing to-do list. Obviously freelance writing projects will help, but alas, they're not everyday occurrences. What about collaging? Not only is it a quiet activity, but it's centered around arranging pretty pictures...

That sounds relaxing AND beautiful! But I'd like more options!

What do YOU do to quiet your mind?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Bebs

Bishy-wishy-wooshy-washy after doggy daycare...WIPED!
What do you think? Time for a new bed?

Shall I? Or Shan't I?

Apparently, my banana got beat up last night :(
Sucks it's the only thing I brought to snack on today.
Maybe I'll pretend I'm eating banana yogurt?
Thank God tomorrow's Friday...

Want a better morning snack than mine?
Click on the following...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Last week, an interesting collision of events occurred:

*I read a blog about working at a job that's not right for you.

*I finished reading Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" about "the movers of the world" who drive society's growth and productivity (P.S. FANTASTIC read. I may have to name my first-born daughter Dagny).

*I heard a lot about what people from my past are doing these days--lawyers, doctors, nurses, teachers--incredibly challenging, but fulfilling and rewarding jobs.

*My husband expressed his desire and determination to do not just well in medical school, but phenomenally well.

I call the above collision of events "interesting," because all of a sudden, the light clicked on, and I asked myself, What am I doing?

I'm unfulfilled.

Let me be clear, I'm INCREDIBLY HAPPY and FULFILLED and THANKFUL in my family life. Brimming over with love in that department! Whoa on the wonderful really.

But I'm unfulfilled in the job-by and hobby departments. Thing is, I'm not challenging myself. Which follows that I'm not learning. Or growing. And, lemme tell ya, all of those "nots" breed stagnancy.

So about mid-week last week, when the above occurrences started to stick together and amass, I saw one big picture of other people's successes and accomplishments. Lots of doing and striving. Lots of go-get-em-ness and bravery. But I didn't feel envy or jealousy. I felt disappointment in myself. And THAT, folks, is what told me I had to turn things around...

See, I know that I have so much more to offer! To myself, to my loved ones, and even to the world at large. I wanted to say to that picture of other people's success, Hey, I've got passions, too! But I've been keeping my best locked up in preference of the average, the not-worth-mentioning, the shmeh. It took me till last week to finally ask myself, Why?

I know that when A and I got married, our responsibilities increased ten-fold--a mortgage, bills, errands, a dog. I spend most of my time at work, A spends most of his studying, and our leftover time is spent checking off to-do lists. Adult life takes up SERIOUS amounts of time, but that shouldn't be an excuse not to shine, right? I realized that I need to explore those areas of my life that I've put on the backburner...

Which makes the following occurrence so perfectly timed that I'm calling it "God's plan"...

Yesterday, my mom's friend who's a freelance writer and photographer contacted me, saying she'd like my input and help on an article she's writing for a company's newletter. She said that this article would be a trial-run, with hopes that our writerly collaboration might continue in the future. Not only is this woman a lifelong family friend, but she's my mentor. I see her life as a writer as my example of what I could do. that not the weirdest but most wonderful change of events?! Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP?! Freelance writing? Meet your new BFF, Erin :)
Not to mention, in the recent past, some teacher friends of mine asked if I would come into their classrooms to lead creative writing exercises. Why haven't I followed up on those invitations? "Operation RSVP: I accept!"

Between freelance writing articles and leading creative writing exercises, opportunities are suddenly abounding. The universe has felt my vibrations. We both agree that it's high time I put myself out there.

A whole new world is on the horizon...Hold my hand as we walk to the edge?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Nearly there...

Look at those limbs! AAHH!

P.S. It's Fridayyyyyyyy!
And, for me, pay dayyyyyyyy!
Now THAT'S cause for celebration!
Who wants a Sonic cherry limeade on me?!

The last few weeks, my days have been blurring into each other, making everything feel like one long, monotonous, uninterrupted day. I'm telling you, it's TEDIOUS business over here! SO! I decided to shake things up a bit. How about an hour-by-hour(ish) update on my yesterday, including the ways I veered from the "well-traveled path?" A glorified Facebook status update, if you will!

Here ya have it:

What's typical: Call car dealerships to make claims payments.
What I did instead: Called car dealerships to make claims payments (Hey, I have a job to do, am I right?). BUT! I took little 2-3 minute breaks whenever I got through a pile of paperwork--I went to the restroom and brushed my teeth; I went to the break room and refilled my glass of water; I took out my grown-up planner and wrote inspiring quotes on all the Monday and Tuesday pages (Can I get a group "Bleh" for those days!); and I wiped off my desk (And mouse! And phone! And keyboard!) with Clorox wipes. I moved around, people!
What's typical: Eat lunch in breakroom while reading a book on Kindle.
What I did instead: After eating lunch in the breakroom (It was wild and crazy windy outside, you see), I took a 15 minute walk around the complex, dilly-dallying in the Museum of Outdoor Arts...

Weldenblume, which means "willow flower." This thing's made out of live willows that just started sprouting!

The view from inside...

A bronze tea party!

I love this statue...

StickWorks. Like nests for humans :)

The view from inside...

Mums in full bloom!

It was wonderful to get outside the building and see beautiful things...

What's typical: Process check payments and continue calling car dealerships.
What I did instead: Processed check payments and continued calling car dealerships, BUT! I took a 15 minute break, during which I walked outside and talked on the phone with my faraway cousin-love! AND! I continued to take mini-breaks whenever my work load lessened--I went to the break room to make tea; I took the stairs down to the first floor and used the restroom; I filed papers; I, I, I, I got so much done!

What's typical: Drive home. MAYBE work out, haha. Eat dinner while watching TV and continue watching TV till bedtime.
What I did instead: Drove home. I didn't work out :( BUT! After A and I ate dinner, we spent the rest of the evening playing with Bishy-wishy-wooshy-washy and packing for the cabin!

And this morning, I got a different drink from Starbucks! WHOA! Changes all around, people! It's gettin' crazy up in here!

I hope I didn't bore the hell out of y'all with the world's longest status update, seeing as boredom=more dumb (what?). But I really learned a lot from changing my routine. Just a few small changes made big differences in my day. Getting up from my desk more often helped break up the time, and spending time outside made a HUGE difference, as it felt good to actually SEE the day and smell fresh air.

I worried that by taking mini-breaks, I'd get behind on work. But really, I was more productive! In between work loads, I was reorganizing or tidying or filing or processing...I realized that varying your routine doesn't mean goofing off, but rather, variety made my day more interesting, more memorable, and definitely more bearable.

So take a tip from me, folks--shake things up a bit. Do something differently today.

I'll continue gettin' cozy with change, myself. Take lunch at a different time today? Don't mind if I do!

Happiest weekend to y'all :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday. Blah.

Oo, honey, it's been a rough morning! I'm no good at dealing wth "crankies" (people who yell and scream and talk over you). They get me all jittery and upset-like.

Therefore, I need a Monday morning pick-me-up...

So what do you say? Shall we make ourselves a list of our favorite things?

cleaning house
Handmade Goods
Great Harvest Bread

Phew! I already feel better! Nothin like a love-fest to make a girl feel better :)

Pray tell me some of YOUR favorite things!
P.S. Farin' on the West Winds of Erin is nearing 100 entries! I say we mark the occasion with a Blog Carnival showcasing our vision boards! Ain't no better time to look ahead to the future! Date TBA.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hello, August! See you soon, Fall!

Lately, I've been daydreaming of Fall...

...trees on fire...

...gray skies and brisk winds...

...sweaters and scarves...

...covering up and snuggling in.

I'm starting to think that my obsession with Fall can be likened to my obsession with sad songs.
Fall's landscape is so brilliant. The changing colors immediately catch your eye and draw you in.
Yet Fall is austere, too--branches baring themselves while people cover up.

All seems cold and dark, save for a burning red tree on a hill.

The sparks of life seem harder to find
and are lonelier when found...

While I may be having dreams in yellow and red,
summer's only half over, and I've got a lot of chilled white wine left to drink!
So I'd better pull back my hair, roll up my sleeves, put my naked toesies up on a table,
and bask in the heat of these moments.
Cause, afterall, Fall's right around the corner.
I'd hate not to earn it.

What's your favorite thing about your favorite season?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Excuse me, please.

Whoa, I've been gone forever, eh? Sheesh! I dunno where I've been or what I've been doing, but it would've been nice had I written something down, haha. My sincerest apologies. Can I make it up to you? Perhaps with some pictures?

Family portrait!

Close-up of the bebs.

Speaking of pictures (I know, I know, after such a long hiatus, I owe you more than a couple snapshots. Well, don't you worry, cause there's more to come.), my mom's dear friend, who's a freelance writer and photographer, was in town this weekend. She brought A and I a book full of photos she took at our wedding. I can't tell you how FABULOUS this frickin' book is. She captured moments our professional photographer didn't, moments that not only best reflected the emotions of that day, but also truly reflected the personalities of us and our guests. I mean, this thing is a love affair with memories from our wedding...

Which got me thinking that photographs are some kind of wonderful, aren't they? 

*TANGENT: Have you guys seen the movie "Up in the Air" with George Clooney? There's a scene during which George Clooney's doing a presentation about emptying your metaphorical backpack of unnecessary emotional weight and baggage. He asks everyone to think about what they'd pack in their bag if they could only pack one thing...

                          Georgie and his big boy backpack...

He says something like, "Pictures? Don't bring pictures. Pictures are for people who are too lazy to remember."

Well, I disagree with your beautiful self, Mr. Clooney. Hugely. I get such enjoyment from looking at pictures. With the book of photos my mom's friend gave us, I got a wider view of our wedding day. I got to see her perceptions and observations, what struck her as picture-worthy, what she saw in the people she was photographing. Page after page of secret glimpses. Incredibly intimate, her photographs. And it's not like the pictures she took replaced the memories I've got, it's that the pictures she took rounded-out my memories.

Like a big cumulus cloud, that weekend now hangs more prominently in my memory...

                    ...floating, growing, shading, enveloping...

What do you think of photographs? Are they your BFF, too?