Much ado about whims and fancies.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Help me relax, please.

Call me crazy, but sometimes I find it hard to enjoy the weekend because I feel like I've got to be DOING something the whole time--exercising, walking the dog, doing chores, running errands...I've always got a running to-do list in my head.

I'd like to take a moment to blame the work week...

Today, for example: I got up early so that I'd have time to get ready, take Bishop out to potty, feed him, give him his meds, AND make coffee and breakfast before driving the big guy to daycare. All that before arriving at work! (I'm sure all the parents out there are saying, "Big deal, ya whiner. I do it every day.") Now I'm at work for 8 hours, during which I'll multi-task the entire time: process, call, pay, stamp, process, and of course, make a list of the after-work to-dos. Then I'll leave work at 5, head straight to daycare to get Bishop, run some errands, and THEN head home to make dinner. It's like there's always that next thing that needs to get done...and it's messing with my weekends, people!

So what's a girl gotta do to get out of that "go, go, go" mentality?

Watch a Harry Potter movie apparently! A and I watched the Goblet of Fire yesterday and something about all that creativity and imagination really helped me forget reality and relax for a bit.

A young adult movie--who knew?

But Harry's not always on TV. In which case, I've gotta come up with a relaxer on my own, another creative outlet that helps me forget my ever-growing to-do list. Obviously freelance writing projects will help, but alas, they're not everyday occurrences. What about collaging? Not only is it a quiet activity, but it's centered around arranging pretty pictures...

That sounds relaxing AND beautiful! But I'd like more options!

What do YOU do to quiet your mind?


  1. I blog. And read blogs. And make collages. *wink* Sometimes I doodle in a notebook while Hubs watches manly shows on TV. And sometimes I go biking or walking << something I'm hoping to do more often as the weather cools. I also think it would be calming to do another blog carnival soon... maybe the vision board?? :) What do you think?

  2. Ohh! And photography! That's always calming to me.

  3. shorty--
    we should absolutely do our blog carnival on vision boards soon! i dunno about you, but i haven't even begun mine yet, haha! what do you say we give ourselves a couple of weeks to hone something brilliant? what do you think about the first full week of september as a due date? i'll let the other participants know!
