Much ado about whims and fancies.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Last week, an interesting collision of events occurred:

*I read a blog about working at a job that's not right for you.

*I finished reading Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" about "the movers of the world" who drive society's growth and productivity (P.S. FANTASTIC read. I may have to name my first-born daughter Dagny).

*I heard a lot about what people from my past are doing these days--lawyers, doctors, nurses, teachers--incredibly challenging, but fulfilling and rewarding jobs.

*My husband expressed his desire and determination to do not just well in medical school, but phenomenally well.

I call the above collision of events "interesting," because all of a sudden, the light clicked on, and I asked myself, What am I doing?

I'm unfulfilled.

Let me be clear, I'm INCREDIBLY HAPPY and FULFILLED and THANKFUL in my family life. Brimming over with love in that department! Whoa on the wonderful really.

But I'm unfulfilled in the job-by and hobby departments. Thing is, I'm not challenging myself. Which follows that I'm not learning. Or growing. And, lemme tell ya, all of those "nots" breed stagnancy.

So about mid-week last week, when the above occurrences started to stick together and amass, I saw one big picture of other people's successes and accomplishments. Lots of doing and striving. Lots of go-get-em-ness and bravery. But I didn't feel envy or jealousy. I felt disappointment in myself. And THAT, folks, is what told me I had to turn things around...

See, I know that I have so much more to offer! To myself, to my loved ones, and even to the world at large. I wanted to say to that picture of other people's success, Hey, I've got passions, too! But I've been keeping my best locked up in preference of the average, the not-worth-mentioning, the shmeh. It took me till last week to finally ask myself, Why?

I know that when A and I got married, our responsibilities increased ten-fold--a mortgage, bills, errands, a dog. I spend most of my time at work, A spends most of his studying, and our leftover time is spent checking off to-do lists. Adult life takes up SERIOUS amounts of time, but that shouldn't be an excuse not to shine, right? I realized that I need to explore those areas of my life that I've put on the backburner...

Which makes the following occurrence so perfectly timed that I'm calling it "God's plan"...

Yesterday, my mom's friend who's a freelance writer and photographer contacted me, saying she'd like my input and help on an article she's writing for a company's newletter. She said that this article would be a trial-run, with hopes that our writerly collaboration might continue in the future. Not only is this woman a lifelong family friend, but she's my mentor. I see her life as a writer as my example of what I could do. that not the weirdest but most wonderful change of events?! Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP?! Freelance writing? Meet your new BFF, Erin :)
Not to mention, in the recent past, some teacher friends of mine asked if I would come into their classrooms to lead creative writing exercises. Why haven't I followed up on those invitations? "Operation RSVP: I accept!"

Between freelance writing articles and leading creative writing exercises, opportunities are suddenly abounding. The universe has felt my vibrations. We both agree that it's high time I put myself out there.

A whole new world is on the horizon...Hold my hand as we walk to the edge?


  1. Yes! Joe's classroom is awaiting...I'll let him know to look for your umbrella drifting in :)
