Much ado about whims and fancies.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Yummy in my tummy.

Remember when I used to talk about food all the time? Well, what would you say about harkening back to those times, mm? Perhaps with a little chat about Hershey's 100 calorie chocolate covered pretzels?

Seriously, folks, these are quite delicious, and I would love nothing more than to tell you the who, what, where, when, why, and how...

WHO: This girl...

...or me, rather (though I've decided Ashlee Simpson would play me in the movie of my life. She's red-headed, nice-looking, quirky (the silly girl got a nose-job!)...and she'd lip-synch every word I've ever said).

WHAT: 100 calorie Hershey's chocolate covered pretzels (Which are new arrivals in our office's vending machine. So what if I know the exact date when each and every one of the vending machine's offerings became available?)

WHERE: In my corporate cubicle...surrounded by OTHER corporate cubicles (fancy-shmancy, I know).

WHEN: At approximately 1:30PM Mountain standard time this very Tuesday afternoon.

WHY: Because I (pictured above) was craving a sweet sumpin-sumpin and needed an afternoon pick-me-up of sorts (Sometimes that glass of room temperature water just doesn't do the trick, ya know?)

HOW: Quietly in the beginning, as I was taking our first meeting slowly--opening the wrapper, peeling it back to reveal what's inside, making note of the size and appearance of the small, though reasonably sized, chocolatey morsels. As Jim Gaffigan would say, "Hey there, candy. Why don't I help you out of that wrapper and into something a little more comfortable?" Thennnnnnn, the best way I can describe it is like a merging of the What About Bob? scene where Bill Murray moans after each bite and an old Herbal Essences commercial where the woman screams and shouts in ecstasy...

Yes, yes, it was like all of that. But on mute (I'm at work, people!).

It was a wondrous 1:30PM, lemme tell you. Mm-mm-good.

Now go get yourself some...while I go raid the break room for lost change so I can buy me another!

Happy Tuesday to you chocolate-covered readers!

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